Fuckboy (Cameron).

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'I'm going to bed now goodnight' *Send*

You finally end your conversation with the orangeheaded boy you'd liked since you moved to college. He, however has a big reputation in your dorm halls so you remain distant with him.

'Night :)' He sends.

You slip deeper into the warmth of your massive covers, with only a t-shirt to cover you. The bright screen of your roommate types her essay lights the room, but the sound of her typing is therapeutic enough to allow you to drift into dreamland.



Did something just fall? Your foggy mind tries to make sense of the sound that ripped you from slumber.


You flinch at the noise, snapping you awake.

"What on Earth?" Your G-rated roomie rubs her eyes.

"I don't know." You flick your lamp on and slide pajamas up your legs.


The sound comes from outside. You creep to the window and peek out of the curtain. "Cameron?" You blink a few times to ensure you're not hallucinating. He's stood in a sweatshirt, flannel pajama pants, and a beanie. This is contrasted against his usual 'fuckboy' style: skinny jeans, long-sleeved Thrasher shirt draping over him, and a backwards snapback hat.

With great effort, you push the rusted window up to open it. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Come outside." He calls. This is out of the ordinary. He's up to something.

"Are you drunk?" You explore the option.

"Not in the slightest."

You two are whisper-yelling so you hope a noise complaint doesn't become of this interaction.

"On a Friday night?" You wonder. He's out drinking every other night. At early mornings, his voice travels down the halls whether it be laughing, bad singing, or slurring his new keg stand record.

"Yes. I don't party every night, Y/N." He embellishes your name with attitude and you can't help but blush.

"Okay, well what did you want?" Your choice of words was far too blunt, but you hoped your sweet tone combat that.

"Come hang out with me." He says.

"No really."

"Come downstairs and hang out. It's not that cold outside and Mcdonalds is just down the street. I want a buddy to get some nuggets with."

No wonder he's so popular around the halls. His intentions are incredibly inviting with good nature...or so it seems.

"Cameron, I barely know you." What you mean to say is 'Cameron, you barely know me.'

"I will know you better after tonight." He shrugs with the statement. Damn he's smooth. Fuckboys are good at what they do.

"Okay, but I look crusty."

"Stop making excuses and get your pestering self down here." He directs his arm at you, appointing you to come by his side.

It's a big commitment to leave your dorm in the late hours of the night. The best excuse comes through being honest. "Why? I don't see why you'd want to bring a random average girl along who's a little hermit in her bedroom studying all day."

"That doesn't matter. I want to know everyone in the dorms."

You scoff a little in defense. "Am I just a quest then to cross off the list?" When the words leave your mouth, you immediately run your fingers through your hair. That sounded like a bitchy girl in a coming of age movie. Why do you always have to see the glass as half empty.

"Thought I chose the right one." Cameron mumbles to the grass.

"What was that?" You force him to direct the statement at you.

"You're not a quest, Y/N. None of my friends are. If I ask you to come hang out a 3 am, it's not going to be a one time thing. We're going to Mcdonalds, not my bedroom." His tone is sharper than what you're used to in people.

His words are the only thing you know to trust of him, so you remain suspicious.

Your roommate whispers from behind you. "I don't know about him, Y/N. You know he gets around to every girl in the dorms."

You acknowledge her with eye contact, but nothing more. "Cameron, I really just want to go to sleep. I've heard too much about you to trust that you don't just want to hook up." You say in defeat. He doesn't reply. He simply stares, opening and closing his mouth. Not wanting to further the conversation you start sliding your window shut.

"Stop!" He yells, making you jump at the loud volume.

"Y/N, I really fucking like you." He springs the profession at you faster than he probably hoped. "Since the first day at the dorms I didn't know what would grab your attention. I only see you when you're walking to and from class, but every time I see you, I find it hard to even say hi. You never put on makeup and yet you still look fucking awesome. Your wavy ass hair poofs out like an afro and all I want to do is get my hands stuck in it."

You back away, in a weird combination of cringing and blushing.

"NO, not like that!" He tries to save himself. "I mean like if you were watching a movie and I was laying behind you just running my hands through it." He calms his panicked stature. "But you're always inside. I wanted to befriend your roommate to maybe see you more, but she obviously hates me."

Your roommate mutters an 'mhmm' in agreeance.

"I can't go any longer without at least becoming your friend. Please let me just do that. If I'm honest, I don't see most girl as anything more than a good fuck" you shiver "But you have so many layers to you, I see it behind your eyes. I want to get you know so much more than just your body."

You share a moment in silence as you comprehend everything he said.

"Will you let me get to know you?"

"Cameron, here's the first thing you should know about me:"

He raises his eyebrows and stiffens.

"I usually eat 3 Mcdoubles in one sitting. AND a large fry." 


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-Bambi ;)

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