Passion With A Fight

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Having a passion to pursue aside from one's chosen career and education, is really important to have that focus as well as a goal or plan of how one wants to pursue the passion and if that passion is linked to one's purpose.

To me, my passion for mental health as well as inspiring others through my old and new Tumblr blogs as per explained in previous chapter; they are both linked to my true purpose. And yeah it takes the strength, courage, will power, wisdom and much else as well as passion to really stand up for something like a passion that is especially linked to your purpose. And to also fight for it like you would fight or stand up for yourself when others are mistreating you as an act of self love.

If one person believes in their passion enough as well as believing in themselves, they should only believe that it's worth the risks and is the right thing no matter what it may go against or what other people will think as well as those who will disagree with you and your passion, belief and purpose.

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