Passion Or Nothing

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When it comes to passion to me, I feel very strongly for the things I believe in and those in which I am passionate for. And those things I believe in and passionate for, are really and honestly important to me.

My passion for inspiring others came from when I created my first blog on Tumblr in grade 10 but started inspiring others in September 2014. Even though I only had 400 followers, it meant a great deal of importance to me for every single one of my followers to follow me. And to like my inspiring posts, as well as their comments and reblogs. And to state the name of that blog; is Laura1646 though I can't remember the title I had picked during that time.

And to date today, it's been about little over a year since it was deleted off of Tumblr's system. Still though wishing there was a possibility of reactivating the account. I miss all my followers as well as being able to view my previous inspirational posts I made. I didn't really think of saving any of them in my notes on my phone or iPod during that time.

But aside from that, as of June 25th two years ago, I created a new blog on Tumblr which I still have activated still. Though I've decided to go more easy on how many posts I post per day and also deciding to take a break for a while. For my mental health and other areas of my life in which would be great to focus on more.

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