Pastel Blue

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"He was wearing a pastel blue flower crown when I first met him."

Jongdae breathed in deeply, feeling eyes on him. He looked down at his clothes once more.

Pastel blue flower crown and leggings, as well as a baby blue oversized sweater.

He covered his mouth with his hand, a habit he had, and blushed, embarrassed by all the attention.

He walked to the principal's office, pretending there was no one else other than him. He ignored the eyes boring into his soul.


It happened too fast.

One moment, he was quietly walking home, the next he was back at school while being tended to by the school's nurse.

He clutched his bleeding nose and gritted his teeth cutely. Goddamn ball had to hit him square in the nose too hard.

Jongdae turned to the boy who was staring at him with a weird glint in his eyes. "Um...can you stop staring at me?" he squeaked out timidly, making the boy snap out of his trance-like state.

"I'm sorry, was I making you feel uncomfortable?" the boy asked, making the injured flower boy nod. In contrast to the taller's baby face, his voice was really deep.

"'m sorry for accidentally throwing the ball and hitting your nose. I didn't see you coming." I did, but I was too distracted by how beautiful you were.

The smaller of the two shyly nodded. "It's fine," he whispered.


Jongdae threw his bag onto the couch before proceeding to his bedroom. He lied down on the bed, recalling the events that happened that day.

He clutched the blue charm bracelet Chanyeol had given him in exchange for his pastel blue flower crown, which had broken when the flower boy fell from the impact of the ball.

He clutched the snowflake charm tightly. He held on to past memories and broken promises. Dear God, why did there have to be a snowflake?

But, he thought, maybe...maybe Park Chanyeol wasn't so bad.

Pastel <ChenYeol/ChanChen>Where stories live. Discover now