[2] A Trip Worth Remembering

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Warning: There will be POV switches in case you get confused


Beard-splitter: The thing in between a guy's legs/the place where the sun doesn't shine/the willie guys cover during safe intercourse/the penis


One shot #2

"Wake up, Lilly! Wake up!"

Two soft yet firm hands gripped on my shoulders to shake me from my deep slumber of chocolates and a sea-green eyed miser. Untidily, I twisted from my position from lying on my back to laying down on my stomach with the pillow suffocating my face, having the blankets wrap around me like a cocoon.

It wasn't long until my head darted skyward at the smell of a chocolate bar being wafted near my nose.

"Happy birthday, Lilly!" My very generous and thoughtful sister handed me the chocolate- or more like I snatched it from her clutches at a swift strike that even a cobra would be jealous of. "Wake up now, it's seven fifty five."

"Seven fifty five? Why am I awake at this our on a Sunday?" I muffled into the chocolate.

"It's Monday."

"That's even worse. Why... Oh blast!" I shot up from the comforts of my bed and vigorously calmed my hair down with a brush, keeping the remainders of the chocolate in my hands. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!

Rushing out of the washroom, I rushed past Ella who asked, "Why in such a hurry?"

"I have to go somewhere!"


"I...have handsome, wealthy, and believably stony cold bachelors to catch!"


"You're late."

"I know Sir." Her tone of voice had a tint of contentedness. I didn't think much of it.

"Lost time will be deducted from your wages," I say without discontinuing my writing to look up at her. But when I had, an overjoyed grin formed as she said, "When has it never?"

What is wrong with her? Why is she happy? There is no time to be wasting precious minutes feeling emotion- take happiness for instance.

"Why are you initiating unnecessary muscle contortions, Mr Linton?" I demanded.

She smiled sweetly, causing a rack of aches in the underside of my abdomen. For a minute, I seemed to zone out while everything about her seemed to zoom in. My eyes drank in all of her details and facial features that the dawn sunlight shined upon through the uncovered window.

The sparkling glow of happiness glittered over her mischievous eyes. Gazing at them now, they were flooding with life and elation. The corners of her plump lips were elevated into a genuine bright and beaming smile. Her captivating beam had the ability to blind and stun someone from within a mile.

Everything about her seemed to be radiating with vitality and allurement. My chest tingled with an enveloping sense of warmth and an unbelievably strong and inexplicable sensation that flowed and weaved in between each and every fraction of bone and muscle. She would never let it go if I ever admit to her how she looked so damn...

Ambrosian Expeditions: Lillian Linton & Rikkard AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now