Chapter four

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Cats POV-

It's been about two weeks since the breakup. To be quite honest I'm actually doing a lot better than I was. It's almost Christmas time and Christmas break is near. Normally I would go to the beach with him and our friends and we'd hang out the entire time. We'd see a concert or two. Then on Christmas Day we would stay home with out families but the next day exchange gifts.

But I guess we'll have to change that this year.

It was Friday and I was still in school. But not for long. I only have an hour left then I can go home.

The talk about me had settled down a bit. The girls who would usually sit at my table who were fans didn't anymore. I'm not complaining though. I never did like them for constantly asking me about the boys. I was at lunch to eat and talk to my friends. Not to talk about my now ex-boyfriend and his friends.

"Cat!" Ally whisper yelled. We were in American history and we weren't supposed to be talking because we were supposed to be doing the paper the teacher gave us.

I stared back her as if I was saying what. Before she could speak the bell rang telling us that class was over. I walked over to my friend when I finished gathering my stuff.

"What were you going to tell me?"

"Do you want to come over my house for the weekend? Lily's gonna be there too." She asked.

"Yeah sure. I just got to get my stuff from home." I could just go there without any of my own clothes but I need to do something at home first.

"Okay. Well I'll see you there then." She smiled as we walked our different directions to our lockers.

When I had opened my locker, a bunch of memories flushed threw me again. I didn't like it. So I took them down. All of them. Well the ones where he was in it. I shove them in my bag and grab the stuff that I needed to do for homework. When I was finished I left and walked back home. I never lived far from school but the walk was always long. But I wanted to walk. I needed to clear my head.

My ear-buds were in my ears and my music was up pretty loud. Louder than usual. My music taste is weird and unusual but very diverse.

When I got home I was greeted by Maggie and surprisingly my sister.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have some math club thing to do?" I ask.

"Not today. It was cancelled for some reason." She looked up at me. I barely see my sister much. She's in so many extra curricular activities that when I do see her it's at breakfast or dinner.

"So I heard what happened..."

"A little late on that sis."

"I know! But we don't see each other often so I wanted to talk to you about it. You are my little sister."

"I'm one year younger than you."


I sigh and shrug my shoulders. I go to the refrigerator and grab the first thing that I saw. An apple. I like apples.

"Got any plans?"

"Yeah I'm going to Ally's house for the weekend. Can you do me a favor?" I ask her before I went upstairs.

"Yeah sure." She smiled. I walk over to her and take out the pictures from my bag.

"Burn these." I sigh. I don't want to be reminded of it and there's no way I'll go back to him. I highly doubt I would do that to myself.


"Just do it Clara. Please, just do it." I looked into her bright green eyes. I was silently begging her.

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