Chapter Thirteen

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*Calum Pov*

I sit in my room. It's completely dark, and silent. The only thing that could be heard was my shaking breathing. If Cat was to call me right now. I wouldn't know what to say, at all. I couldn't just say that I'm still in love with her. Could I? I want her to be mine again. She is everywhere in my dreams and daydreams. I can't just get over her when she's always there. But I know right now she's most likely with him. Dylan. He's everything a girl could ask for. She would be crazy if she didn't go for him. Of course I have no chance. I would be crazy to think she would be mine. Another reason she wouldn't want me again, I didn't trust her and broke up with her. I started this whole mess. If I was a good boyfriend than maybe we could be happy together. and she wouldn't have started cutting again, She wouldn't be depressed, because of me! She wouldn't be with Dylan. I would be dating the girl of my dreams.
The only girl I truly love. Yes. I Amit it, I'm in love with Cat and I never stopped loving her. No matter how hard I tried or wanted to. I didn't stop loving her. She was the best thing that happened to me. I want her back. I want her back now. I know I'm being selfish but maybe thats who I am. I don't care what people say I want this girl back. And I'll fight for her.

*Cat Pov*

I'm alone in my room. I just got off the phone with Dylan. He is a great go-to friend. I want to cut currently but even though I broke my promise to Calum. I'm going to start over and not cut again. I mean who would want to date me because of that? Maybe he would like me more if he knew I stopped again.
I mean I already broke the promise once. But he lost trust in me. Even though he lost that trust and didn't believe me, I some how still like this boy so much. Maybe I should ask Ashton for help and maybe Dylan. They are my friends so they would help me right? I text Ashton telling him to meet in at my place as soon as he can. He replied right away. Now just wait till he's here.

*Ashton's Pov*

When Cat asked me to come over I rushed to get ready. I need to get over there and see what's up. Maybe it's about Calum? If so this helps a lot! It will be easier to get them back together. I ran into Calum. Saying sorry and rushing out of the house. I ran all the way to Cat's house. This better be important.
I knock on her door trying to catch my breath. It felt like I was about to pass out, I never ran that long that hard. Yeah I do have to run from fans but not that's long. Her house isn't as close as I though it was. She opened the door. I smile brightly. "You sound like a dog." She laughed at her joke. I roll my eyes nodding.
She let me in and we made our way to her couch. I sat next to her. "So what's up?" She sits for a minute, both of us silent. She looked at me and mumbled "Calum." I try hiding my smile but I don't think I can. "What about Calum?" She sighed. "I miss him so bad even though he didn't trust me. I don't know why I want him back, I just do." I nod understandingly. "Well Cat what if I told you, I can help you get Calum back." I smile even more, if that's possible. She looks down. With a shaky voice you spoke up "Ashton the thing is what if Calum doesn't trust me ever again? What if he doesn't like me? What if he-" I cut her off "Cat do you think I would try to get you both together if he didn't like you or if he didn't trust you?" She shakes her head. "Well you need to trust me." She nods.

*Cat's Pov*

After talking to Ashton for a while I was better, happy knowing he truly cares and he will help me get Calum back. I just need to talk to Dylan and make sure he's okay with all of this. I know we never dated really but I think we had feelings for each other.
Ashton left before dinner time. I guess I'll have Dylan over for dinner. I start cooking tacos and called Dylan as I did so. He agreed he would come over in 10 minutes.
He finally got here and the taco's were done. I smile setting it all on the table. "Um tacos!" He smiled and sat down. "You didn't have to do this." I smile "I know but I though it would he a nice treat." He nods smiling. We made small talk as we ate our food.
"So you are okay that we stay just friends?" I asked again. "Yes Cat. I know you having feelings for him and he has feelings for you. If anything I'm happy for you." He smiled. "Thanks so much Dylan. "I hugged him tightly. "And remember I'll always be here for you Cat." He smiled. Making me nodding. "If he hurts you I'll beat him up." I giggle and hug him once more. "Have a good night Cat." He kissed the top of my head. "I hope you call me and tell me when I'm coming to your wedding." He wiggles his eye brows. I push him, rolling my eyes. "We aren't dating yet and all you care about is weddings?" He laughed smiling brightly. "Yeah so I can see a very very happy Cat. Good night Cat." He smiled. "Good night." He opened the door waving and left. Let's hope Ashton can work his magic. I ran upstairs jumping right in my bed and falling asleep pretty fast.

*Ashton's voice*
I woke up this morning to 1k reads. Thank you so much! Well double update since 1k! the other update will be on in a minute. Btw my bday is tomorrow and I'm busy so I may update Tuesday. School also starts Wednesday so slow updates because I wanna make sure I get good greats. So yeah the other update will be coming shortly:)


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