she kissed me!

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Millie's P.O.V

I can't believe I just slapped him, just like that! Why did I even do that!? My breathing hitched as I tried to help Levi up. "Levi, babe? You okay?" I asked worriedly. Levi, is a really dramatic boy, but I still cared for him. He gave a groan as he tried to get up. I helped him balance as he stood up. "Listen, I'm going to take you to the sick bay, okay?" I said carefully trying to explain. Luckily, Sadie came to my side and helped me. 

"Thanks Sades." I said in relief hugging her once we were out of the sick bay. Without warning, I bursted into tears. "Ssh.." Sadie hushed me whilst gently stroking my hair. "I can't believe I would do such a horrible thing to Finn." I cried. I flinched inside speaking his name. I didn't even know why I would do that! "I'm sure you didn't mean it." Sadie said. I broke away from the hug and shook my head vigorously "No, No, I meant it. I hate that I meant it!" I cried. Sadie exchanged from a worried look to a look of shock. "Millie-", "I know, I know. I didn't know what came over me Sadie, I just-" Sadie cut me off giving me a big hug as I continued crying.


Finn's P.O.V 

Voices started whispering in my head. I shut my eyes tightly. There she was, Millie. Looking pretty damn good as ever. I put my hands over my ears thinking the voices would be blocked out, only finding out that it got louder as I did so. "Stop, please.." I mumbled rocking back and forth. I went straight home from the incident. Mom doesn't know. But I left a message saying I felt sick so I went home. It's not like, my mother ever cares..she's never home. Like literally, never home. She's always out and about, going to every night club, getting drunk and high. I don't even think she's my mother anymore. Ever since I was born it was always my older brother Nick taking care of me. When dad left us when I was 2 everyone in my family fell apart. But, I try to keep that to myself. Only my best friends know about this, and I'm not planning on telling anyone else. I felt something wet falling down my cheeks. I wiped it off. I don't care anymore, call me a cry baby, who cares!?

My whole life is a mess. Millie slapping me brought so much memory of my broken, messed up family. Why am I even saying family!? They are nothing to me. I heard the bell ring. Is this my mom!? Did she finally get her ass together!? I wiped away my tears as I ran downstairs. I opened the door expecting to see my mom. "Millie.." I said simply. She looked like she has been crying as well. Guiltness came over me. Did I do this to her!? Again!? "I,uh, I am so so sorry Finn" She choked out. She looked like she was on the verge of crying. I hesitated at first but I slowly walked towards her and put my arms around her to give her a hug. As soon as my hands wrapped around, she burst out crying.

"Millie, don't cry." I whispered rubbing my hands on her back up and down. She gave a chuckle breaking the hug. I lifted her chin with my index finger and looked at her dead straight in her beautiful brown eyes. I read that she was hurt and sad. I saw a tear falling down so I gently wiped it away with my thumbs. She closed her eyes. I think I could be a better boyfriend than her current one. I'll treat her right, I'll spoil her, she'll be my princess and I'll be her prince. And I would never, ever let anything come between us! I leant in next to her ears and whispered. 

"I reckon I could be a better boyfriend than, Levi. Millie, be with me and I will never, ever let anything come between us. Just me and you." I looked at her reaction. Her eyes still closed, her lips slightly parted to breath. I had an urge to just kiss her. But, I can't. She has a boyfriend.

Silence. She never responded. Then her eyes fluttered open. "I reckon you can too..." She whispered, as she leant in. I found myself leaning in too. I know this is wrong, but, I kissed her. She made the first move. The kiss was short and sweet, but I don't care. I melted at the touch of her lips on her. Her lips were a bit wet though, or mine. Either way, we've been both crying. Millie cracked a smile. "I should be back at school, see you around neighbour" She chuckled as she quickly kissed my cheeks and ran off.

Did that really happen? Just, then!? My head is spinning, my heart is jumping up and down. Millie. She kissed me! FFFFF!! 

I smiled to myself and once Millie was no where to be seen. I jumped up and down repeating "Yes , I kissed her!!" In my head. "Woooohooo!!" I screamed. I gave a gasp and put my hands oveer my mouth. Whoops.


whoops, right mcgee. sorry for a short chapter guys :(
i'll do a long chapter next x

-see you in the next chapter ;) 

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