jelousy hit me.

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Finn's P.O.V

I walked down the school hallway, keeping my head down. I didn't want to see anyone right now, I'm angry, I'm confused and hurt. Millie Brown, the prettiest girl I have ever seen has broken my pathetic heart, but yet, I still love her? Love? Isn't that a bit too soon? As I turned a corner, I heard the same beautiful, heartwarming laugh. Millie. My head slowly looked up. There she was, her back against her locker with another boy next to her. She looked genuinely happy. I looked at the boy, I haven't seen him around before, but he had his arms extended against the lockers casually standing there inching closer to Millie every now and then. 

Jealousy hit me. I pursed my lips together in frustration, my hands gripped tighter onto my leather bag. Millie took a quick glance at me and flashed me a quick smile. I returned one, but it instantly faded away as the guy who was talking to her looked at me with a glare. Millie noticed this, so she took his arm and walked off. then I lost her, all because of me and my goddamn 'bad ass attitude'  I gave a sigh and walked off. Who does he think he is!? Walking off with my girl!

I joined my friends and sat down harshly. "Woah man, you okay?" Gaten asked noticing my behavior. As much as I want, to tell the truth, I just don't want any of my friends to know that I like Millie, yet. "Yeah, I'm fine." I lied, making my fist into a ball. "Dude, look at the new kid," Noah said. My head shot up. There she was..with, with, that boy. She looks uncomfortable. I squinted my eyes she looked like she was trying to move away from him. I got up from my table and cautiously made my way to the two.

"Levi, seriously, I'm fine!" She said squirming out of his touch. "Hey, everything okay here?" I asked as I faced them. Levi, looked at me with a death glare "What do you want pale face?" He spat coming at me. He was just at least 2 inches taller than me, but he looked weak.
"Nothing man-"
"Okay, then. scoot!" He spat again. But I didn't budge.I'm not scared of this Levi guy!
"No," I replied. Levi looked at me, inching closer.
"What did you just say?"

"Levi, leave him-"
"Shut up, Millie!" He retorted.  I heard her gasp.
"Don't talk to her like that, man!" I said trying to be calm. Oh gosh, I hope I don't get angry in this situation..fuck. I hate it when I'm angry. 
"I can talk to her like that If I want, she's my girlfriend." He replied.

My fist was aching, my breathing became hitched. He did not just do that! He can't talk to her like that, girlfriend or not!
"You're not a very great boyfrie-"
"Like you could do better, Wolfhard," He said cutting me off, looking me up and down.
Did he just test me?
"Maybe, I can!" I scoffed. My arms bent and I gave him a punch square on the nose.

"Finn, what the fuck!!" Millie screamed as she scrambled down to help him. Why is she helping him!? He literally just talked shit to her! "Millie I-" I started
"You can go now, Finn." She said sternly getting up. I looked back in offense. Everyone was looking including my friends and Millie's friend. Sadie. 

"Why are you helping him, he-"
"Because he's my boyfriend! Now go!" She yelled tearing up. My eyes widened.
"Millie, please-" 

"I said leave!" She yelled. Her hands slapped me on the cheeks, leaving me a bright red hand print on my face. I gave a gasp and I looked at her. She looked horrified. Her hands went to her mouth. "Finn, I'm-" but I cut her off. "It's fine, Mills. All I wanted to do was help, but I get this." I said trying to sound harsh but failing, because, well, because, I can never stay mad at her! So I just walked off. 

"Alright, shows over," I called out not facing the crowd.

Beautiful, but dangerous.


HeY kids!
So this is an update :) hope ya'll like it. 

okay, people who say "why don't you post something for millie on her birthday"
StOp. nO. LeAve HiM aLonE!! all you guys chill okay :) he probably texted her
privately so ya'll need to calm okay?

but yeah,
see you guys in the next chapter.

-adios x

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