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As she did before, Mabel quickly sat up in bed, breathing heavily and sweat trickled down her face. She had done everything she could to prevent Dipper from dying, and she had failed, again.

Mabel needed to check that today was July 16th, just to be sure that the days were still repeating, just as Blendin had said they would. Mabel tossed her bedcovers aside and hopped out of bed.

She let out a small sigh of relief when she found Dipper sleeping soundly in his bed, just as she had two times beforehand.

He was even sleeping in the same position. It was kind of creepy, Mabel had to admit.  Ignoring the déjà vu feeling, Mabel ran down the old, wooden stairs and to the door of the Shack. She then yanked it open, and much to her reassurance, a nicely rolled up news paper sat on the front port.

Mabel snatched it up headed back inside, closing the door behind her. She made her way into the kitchen, unrolled the newspaper. She placed the flyers that had been hidden inside of it on the kitchen table. Her eyes scanned the newspaper for today's date and a small smile crept onto her face when she read, 'July 16th'.

Mabel left the newspaper on the table and dashed back up the stairs.

When she got to the top and went into her room, she saw Dipper beginning to stir. Mabel made a promise to herself that she wouldn't leave Dipper's side. She would watch him like a hawk. She would stick by his side and do whatever he wanted to do.

Kyle could wait.

After Mabel surpassed the time Dipper is suppose to die, she could go back to her normal life. The time and day would stop repeating itself and everything would be as it was before.

So with that thought in mind, Mabel left the bedroom once more, leaving Dipper to get up on his own and she went downstairs again to call Kyle.


Kyle's reaction to Mabel's canceling of the date,  left her heartbroken.

Kyle had been completely inconsiderate, and said that he never wanted to see her again. Talk about a harsh breakup and they hadn't even gone on a single date!

Well...technically speaking, they had gone on two dates already, but seeming that the day kept repeating itself, only Mabel was aware of that. Only Mabel would remember it. To anyone else, if anything, it would just seem like a bizarre déjà vu.

Mabel sighed and made her way back upstairs, to where she found Dipper putting his normal blue vest on over top of his orange-red shirt. "Oh, hey Mabel. I was wondering where you had gone off to. You hardly ever are awake before me." Dipper joked. Mabel forced a convincing grin onto her face.

"I just...felt like being the early bird today. You know, to seize the day!"

Mabel beamed.

Dipper smiled.

"If you say so."

"Hey, you better hurry up getting dressed, Dips." Mabel recalled. "Oh yeah? And why's that?" He replied with a raised eyebrow, in suspicion. "Because we have a Monster Hunt today, duh! Why else?" Dipper looked taken aback because Mabel had remembered.

"You mean...you mean you actually remembered? All week you've been forgetting or blowing every Monster Hunt off. What made you remember this one?" Dipper pressed with a raised eyebrow. Mabel shrugged.

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