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Mabel groaned as she rolled onto her back, underneath her bedsheets and groggily peeled open her eyes.

Her vision was fuzzy as it adjusted to the morning light shining in through her bedroom window. She tiredly pushed herself up into a sitting position. Then remembrance of what previously happened washed over her like a rapid flood and her eyes widened as fear and panic swept over her.


She barely managed to murmur. All of the sudden Mabel's whole body felt weak and frozen in fear as she slowly turned her head to see her twin's side of the bedroom. Her face turned a ghostly shade of white as she saw his bed was empty and neatly made.

No. No. No.

Please let him be okay.

Mabel mentally prayed as she tossed her bedsheets aside, swung her legs over the edge of her bed and got up to her feet. Mabel couldn't stop her legs from trembling in fear. She felt as though they would collapse beneath her as she made her way to the attic door. She yanked it open and dashed down the stairs, not bothering to get dressed or brush her hair.

As she reached the living room, she found it surprisingly empty. Stealing a glance at the clock on the wall, it read, 8:41 am. A normal time for Mabel to wake.

Did that mean that it had worked? That the Time Tracker had set the day correctly? If so, then where's everyone? Where's Dipper?

Mabel swallowed hardly as she made her way out of the living room and to the kitchen. Once again, and empty room.

What was going on?

Mabel's panic level was increasing. She tried to keep herself calm but no matter what she did, it only continued rise.  Mabel's heart was hammering so hardly against her chest she feared it would pop right out. Mabel knew her last option was to check the Lab. So, she surged forward.

Mabel reached the Vending Machine, surprisingly finding the gift shop empty as well. Mabel was sick of not knowing what was going on. She needed to know. She needed her brother and family to be okay.

Mabel typed in the code on the vending machine panel and just as it has, many times before, the vending machine door swung open to reveal the old staircase that led to the elevator. Mabel quickly descended down the stairs. When she reached the bottom she pressed the button on the elevator and a few seconds later it dinged open.

Mustering up some courage and calming her nerves, Mabel stepped inside and pressed 'level 3' on the inside panel. She had to see if anything had happened to the Time Tracker. And maybe, just maybe that's where her family would be.

Maybe. Just maybe...

The elevator reached it's destination and Mabel wasted no time, running out of it and dashing to the room where the Time Tracker would most likely await her. Mabel saw the room and picked up her pace. But then froze in her tracks when she heard voices from inside.

She frowned when she saw the door was wide open.

The voices...they-they sounded like Dipper and Ford. But...But could it be?

Mabel let out a shaky breath and forced herself to enter the room.


Dipper's voice rang out. Mabel cautiously peeled her eyes open. Her hands were clenched around the bottom of her nightgown. "D-Dipper?" Mabel dared to respond. "Mabel!" Dipper's voice excitedly beamed. Mabel suddenly found herself being tackled in a tight embrace from her brother. She did not hesitate to wrap her arms back around him and hug him like he was her life line.

"I-I'm so sorry!" She cried, letting her tears freely cascade down her cheeks like rapid waterfalls. "Mabel, Mabel it's okay. I'm here. It's okay." Dipper repeatedly tried to calm Mabel down. The twins stayed in an embrace, no more words needed to be said. Ford stood back, in silence, respectfully, watching the two forgive each other.

After a few minutes, Mabel let out a shaky sigh of relief and pulled a part from Dipper's embrace. She gave him a small smile. "Thank you, Dipper."

Dipper smiled and nodded.

"You're welcome."

Mabel then bit her lip and shifted uncomfortably on her feet, her eyes suddenly finding interest in the ground. "Mabel, what's wrong?" Ford asks gently, deciding that now it would be okay to interfere. Mabel swallowed hardly and whipped away the tears that had formed in her eyes.

"It's just...I'm so, incredibly sorry. I didn't-I shouldn't have jumped into things the way I did. If there was a bigger word for sorry, I'd use it. I'm glad that Dipper's alive and we're no longer mad at each other but the risk I took could've...it could've-" "But it didn't, Mabel." Ford cut Mabel off and Mabel was finally able to meet Ford's eyes.

"Yes, just jumping to conclusions wasn't the best thing to do but in the heat of things, as humans we tend to attack irrationally. It's in our nature. But everything's fine. My Time Tracker says that the time line is back on course and all is well. So no more worrying about it. Now you two go run along. Summer's almost over and you both need to enjoy every last bit of it. Meanwhile I have some new inventions to work on." Ford smiled.

Dipper furrowed his eyebrows and frowned. "Like what? Could I help you with them?" Mabel smiled faintly. Of course Dipper would ask something like that. He's Dipper. Always looking for ways to impress Ford or just help Ford out. Ford ruffled Dipper's hair and laughed. "I can manage these new projects on my own. You two go and enjoy yourselves, alright?"

Dipper nodded, but Mabel could tell that he was disappointed.

Then a thought occurred to Mabel. "Grunkle Ford?" She asked. "Yes, Mabel?" Ford replied. "Where's Grunkle Stan, Soos, Wendy and Melody? When I was searching the Shack for you two, I found the Shack to be completely empty! Are they okay?"

Ford laughed and nodded. "They're all just fine. Stan went to the store-probably to shop lift some food, Soos and Melody and decided to take the day off which means that Wendy did also. So yes, they're all fine." Mabel sighed feeling the pressure of worry get lifted off her shoulders. "That's a relief." She breathed.

Then she glanced over at Dipper and said, "Hey Dips, we should go on a Monster Hunt."

Dipper raised an eyebrow. "Really? You're not going to blow it off or go hang out with Candy and Grenda?" Mabel shook her head. "No. I want to hang out with you. Besides, I owe it to you."

Dipper smiled and shook his head. "You don't owe me anything Mabel. You went through so much trouble to make sure I didn't die. That's more than enough repaid." Mabel couldn't hold herself back from hugging Dipper again. "I love you Dipper."

Dipper laughs and replied with, "I love you too, Mabel. Now let's go on a Monster Hunt!" Mabel giggled as Dipper grabbed her hand and the Mystery Twins ran out of Ford's lab, to prepare for another adventure.

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