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Mabel's eyes snapped open and she sat up in bed. She was breathing heavily and sweat covered her forehead, matting her bangs down.

Her head snaps to Dipper's side of the room where her eyes widen in horror when she finds his bed empty and neatly made. "Oh no. No, no, no!" Mabel exclaimed in terror. Mabel turns her head to glance at the alarm clock on the nightstand to make sure she hadn't slept the day away.

9:43 AM, it reads. Mabel let's out a a small sigh of relief before she tosses her bedcovers aside and hopped out of bed. Mabel doesn't even bother to get dressed as she yanks the attic door open and dashes down the stairs, her heart hammering hardly in her chest. It's still early. Dipper could still be alive. Mabel was kind of surprised with herself that she slept in so late. She was usually an early riser.

Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead!

Mabel mentally chants as she ran into the kitchen, only to find Stan sitting at the table, sipping coffee and reading the morning newspaper. "Grunkle Stan?"

Mabel managed to ask, in a shaky voice. She was fearing the possible truth. The possibility that Dipper might actually be dead this time. Then that's it. Game over. "Yeah, kiddo?" Stan replies, looking up from his newspaper. "Ha-Have you seen Dipper around?" Mabel dared to squeak.

Stan frowns for a minute, and his eyebrows furrow. He hums aloud in thought before his eyes light up and he exclaims, "Oh yeah! Ford and Dipper are down in the basement workin' on some project or somethin'." Stan answers. Mabel let's out a sigh of relief. "Phew. Alright, thanks Grunkle Stan. Hey, we don't have to work today, right?"

"Nah, you two are good for the day. Besides, Soos likes running the Shack all by himself anyways. In fact, he's in the middle of giving a tour right now I believe." Stan notes. "And Wendy of course is in the gift shop area, waiting for the customers to come." Mabel nods. "Okay, thank you Grunkle Stan. I'm going to go and get dressed now."

Mabel excuses herself before turning around and making her way back upstairs to the attic.


As long as Dipper is with Ford and not outside, everything should be fine.

Mabel thinks to herself as she climbs the stairs up to the attic. Once inside the attic, Mabel changes out of her nightgown and tosses on a random sweater with a matching skirt. She slips on a pair of socks and slides on her black flats. Mabel quickly brushes out her messy hair and puts a hair hand in.

"Oink!" Mabel jumps at the sudden sound, only to discover that it's just Waddles. Mabel smiles warmly at her pet pig and scoops him up into a tight hug. "I've got another day to fix this Waddles. I can do this. I know I can."

Mabel murmurs to her pig, even though she doesn't know whether Waddles can understand her or not. Mabel placed a gentle kiss on Waddles head of endearment, before placing him back down on the floor. She let's out a breath before saying, "Alright, time to go break up with Kyle, find Dipper and keep him from going outside." Mabel says aloud to herself with determination.

And with that plan in mind, she leaves the attic to go downstairs and grab the phone to cancel her's and Kyle's date.


After being yelled at by Kyle, Mabel hangs up the phone, keeping her emotions locked away, and putting on a fake smile. Mabel had really thought Kyle to be a good guy, and she really had liked him. But it was only after a short period of time before his true colors would show.

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