Chapter 9: Kisses and Bruises

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After school, Mrs. Shuler drove me to her house. She said that it shouldn't take long to move the boxes, which I didn't care, as long as I got to be around her more, I didn't care how long it would take.

We pulled up at her house and it always seems to amaze me because of how big and beautiful it is. I've only been here once, but it will always amaze me. I just never seen a house this gorgeous, and having a gorgeous woman live in it? That's a plus.

We got out and walked to the front door and I was staring down a little too low than I should have. She was wearing a tight skirt today and I could not keep my eyes off of her all day. She never usually wears anything like it, and I don't know why she's now wearing them, but it does not bother me one bit.

Unless everyone else is checking her out, which they were and I felt jealousy rising inside of me. I never get jealous over anything, but when all the boys were practially drooling over her, I had to take a couple of deep breaths so I wouldn't hit them with a chair.

I followed her inside and was completely shocked to see so many boxes lined up against the wall. There had to be at least twenty or more, it was crazy. There were big boxes and then small ones on top of them. It was like someone was moving in.

Or someone moving out..

Mrs. Shuler turned to me, "Ok, so you want to go ahead and start moving them outside?" why the hell else would I be here for if not to move boxes?

I nodded and we started grabbing the little ones first, since they were the easiest ones to carry. I was curious about what was inside of the them, as well as the big ones. I just wanted to know why they were here in the first place because they weren't here when I was here last week.

I watched Mrs. Shuler carry boxes out and I couldn't help but think if these were her husband things, and if so, was he moving out? Matt told me that they were having problems, could he be right? I didn't think I would believe him, but everything is starting to seem that way.

I sat a box down outside as Mrs. Shuler went inside for the last box and I noticed a picture frame laying in the box that I just sat down. I picked it up to look at it and that's when I noticed that this was their wedding picture. I didn't like looking at this, but some how I couldn't look away. I stared at the picture as I noticed Mrs. Shuler wearing a beautiful white dress, and her husband next to her. They were both smiling and seemed happy. I couldn't understand what made them fall apart..

"What are you doing?" I looked over to see Mrs. Shuler standing with a box in her hands, watching me. I noticed that I was still holding onto the picture, so I slowly put it back in the box and acted like I wasn't looking at anything.

She sat the box down then walked to me and shut the box that was in front of me. She sat another box on top of it then looked at me. I didn't know what her problem was, but I didn't mean to piss her off from looking at a picture.

"I'm sorry," it seemed like the right thing to do because honestly I didn't know what to say. She was looking at me like I just commited a crime.

She sighed, "Don't go through these boxes," I nodded then watched her look at all the boxes that were laying out in her garage. We finally managed to get all the boxes out of the house and it was exhausting.

She sat down on one of the boxes and I stood there, watching her. I didn't know what was wrong because just a minute ago before she saw me look at that picture, she was fine and now she's not.

And I'm not standing around and act like I'm not worried.

"Mrs. Shuler," she looked up at me. I know she told me to call her by her first name, but I really feel like this is not the right time. "I know that this is a personal thing, and I know that I shouldn't invade, but you did bring me here to help you move these boxes, and I'm not going to act like I'm not curious about it," she stared at me and I was wondering if I was saying the right things.

Mrs. Shuler (GirlxGirl) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now