Chapter 20: Felicity

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I don't really know what's going on with Jessica, but I'm not complaining one bit. She hasn't been acting like her usual self, although I can still tell she's on drugs, but she hasn't hit me or anything in a few days and it's making me question.

Matt came and got me the next morning, like he promised. I told him that he didn't have to do it because I was only two miles away from school, but he told me that he wasn't going to let me walk in the heat.

When we got there, we did our usual routine, going to our locker and talking until the bell rung. I wasn't sure if Miss Shuler was here or not, but Matt said he didn't see her car. I couldn't stop thinking about her throughout my morning classes. It really upsets me that she would lie to us.

Well, I can't say anything now, can I?

I've been lying for years to that woman and she still doesn't know the other half of my life. But, I choose not to let her know. She has no business knowing about me, when clearly she wants nothing to do with me.

Matt bought my lunch again today. He's the sweetest, but I told him that I didn't want him spending his money on me because I don't like people buying me things.

"So, what am I suppose to do? Let you starve?" he looked at me as he was putting ranch dressing on his salad.

I rolled my eyes, "No, but I can-"

"Don't even say anything. I will buy you lunch for the remaining school year, ok?" he took a bite of his salad and made eye contact with me. I chuckled as he was trying to give me a look of intimidation.

I started eating when I saw Miss Shuler walk into the cafeteria and I stared at her. She was walking to one of the teachers who was supervising us and I noticed that they were looking around.

I felt my heart stop in my chest when they spotted me and the teacher made a motion towards me. Miss Shuler looked at me then back at the teacher. She starting walking this way and I couldn't understand why. When she neared our table, Matt nearly choked on his salad when he seen her. I tried not to laugh as she stopped at the table and looked at us.

"Samantha, can I speak with you for a moment?" she looked at me and I felt my head start spinning.

What the hell does she want with me?

I saw Matt give me a look as I was getting up and heading out of the cafeteria with Miss Shuler in front of me. I couldn't understand what was happening, or what was about to happen, but I knew it couldn't be good.

As we were walking down the hall, I was following behind her and I became mesmerized by her hips as they were swaying back and forth.

I shook my head out of the trance as we were in front of her classroom. She opened the door and lead me inside. She shut the door and motioned for me to follow her to her desk.

She pulled up a chair and placed it next to her desk. I sat down as she sat down in her chair. I watched as she looked at me and I felt my heart start pounding.

"You're not in trouble," oh good. I was afraid of that. She sighed and continued to look at me, "I wanted to talk to you about yesterday," I sat there, waiting for her to continue. I wasn't going to say anything because I had nothing to say. I'll just let her do the talking.

"Breaking into someone's home is illegal and I don't like the idea of you and Matthew doing what you did," she sat there with her hands folded in her lap, staring at me.

I thought she was going to talk about something else, like the fact that she lied about nothing being wrong, when clearly there was. Or the fact that we were in her room, reading her personal notebook.

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