Chapter 21: Whole New Light

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I woke up to my head hurting. The pain was unreal and it was pounding like I hit a wall straight on. My throat was also hurting, and it hurt when I swallowed. It felt like death took me over and I couldn't hardly move.

I slowly opened my eyes to a bright light and immediately shut them. The light was way too bright and it almost blinded me.

Am I dead?

I faintly remembered coming home and those guys were there demanding money from Jessica, but she wasn't there. I figured that much. She must have seen them pull up then went somewhere to hide.

Leaving me to be the victim like always.

I laid there, feeling pain throughout my head and throat, trying to understand why my life has to be this way. I've never done anything that made me have this type of luck. I was always the good kid, but God decided to grant me with the worst life possible.

I heard noises in the room so I opened my eyes to look around. Nothing on the right side of me, just a machine and a wall. I slowly turned my head to the left, and as I was turning, I noticed a TV on the wall in front of me, but it was turned off.

I kept turning my head until I saw someone sitting next to my bed, reading a book. I couldn't see their face because their hair was covering it, but if I had to make a guess, it would be that I know that hair, that sitting position, and that book in her hands.

I couldn't mistake her even if I tried.

I tried to find my voice but couldn't. My throat was hurting too much and I couldn't get any words out. I stared at her as she was reading and I couldn't move my arms or do anything to try and get her attention.

After laying there for what felt like hours, "Miss Shuler?"

Her head shot up towards me and I noticed she hadn't slept in a while because she looked completely exhausted. But no matter how she looked, she always looked beautiful.

"You're awake," she scooted her chair over until it hit the side of my bed. She sat her book down and never once broke eye contact with me. She stared at me as she reached on the bed and took my hand in hers. "How are you feeling?"

I stared at her for a moment and immediately got lost in her eyes. It was like the ocean and I was drowning.

I shook my thoughts away and looked at her, "I'm fine," she stared at me and I knew she didn't believe me. "I am," I reassured her.

She slowly nodded and continued to watch me. I thought she knew by now the way she makes me feel when she's looking at me. I'm afraid I'll pass out again and I don't want that to happen. But no matter how use I get to her, I'll always melt right beneath her.

I felt her squeeze my hand and I looked at her as she was watching me. "Do you remember what happened?"

I shrugged a little, "Faintly," I watched her for a moment, "How did you find out about what happened?"

"You left your backpack in my car," how convenient. "I was pulling up in my driveway when I noticed it was in the backseat, so I decided to bring it back to you incase you had homework," she never broke eye contact with me as she was tightly squeezing my hand by now. "When I was nearing your house, I saw police cars and an ambulance, and when I asked them what had happened, they told me that someone called the cops because a guy was in the house with a gun," she looked down briefly before locking eyes with me again. "They said you were unconscience but they didn't tell me why or how," I felt my heart pound in my chest as she was staring at me. "I stayed with you here, praying you'd wake up," I could tell she was getting emotional but she held it together.

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