Chapter 19: Not Your Typical Therapy

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"Both of you should know that breaking into someone's house is illegal! What was going through your heads?" Miss Shuler was pacing back and forth in the living room, while Matt and I were sitting on her couch.

I looked at Matt as he was staring at her and I couldn't have been more ashamed in my life. We technically didn't break into her home, but we didn't let her know that we were here neither.

She stopped pacing and looked at us both. I didn't want to make eye contact, so I hung my head down and stared at the floor. It was best if I didn't look at her anyways.

I heard Matt after a moment, "We didn't break in, we were just worried about you because you didn't come to school, and you never answered the door when we knocked, plus your door was opened," he wasn't lying. That was all true.

"That's sweet of you two to be worried, but that still didn't give you the right to walk into my home without telling me," I could hear the disappointment in her voice and I felt bad. I didn't want her anymore upset with me than she already was.

I yelled then slammed the door in her face yesterday and I know she was pissed about that. I mean, who wouldn't be?

I sat there, not saying a word. I didn't want to say anything or even look at her. My heart was still hurting and my mind was running around the thought of her mom.

When she caught us in her room, she didn't see us with her notebook, at least I don't think. She didn't say anything if she did. I'm glad, because that'll be another thing she'd be upset about.

I heard her sigh after a while, "I understand you getting worried when your teacher isn't there, but I assure you that everything is fine," even I could hear something off in her voice. I knew that shakiness, even though it was barely audible, and I knew it all too well.

She was lying.

Matt said something, but I was too zoned out to understand what he said. All I could think about was how she's lying to us, and even though as a professional liar, she shouldn't do that. Whatever is bothering her, I want to help, more than anything. But, invading someone's personal life is not my business, although I read her notebook which was like a diary, and I'm not proud, I still know the boundaries.

I stood up, kept my eyes away from her, and grabbed Matt's hand. I didn't want to sit here any longer than intended, and I sure as hell didn't want to hear her tell us that everything is alright, when I know it's not.

Before I reached the door, I stopped then turned around to make eye contact with the woman standing there, looking confused. I took in her long brown hair, piercing blue eyes, facial structure, everything that was perfect on her.

I took a deep breath and stared in her eyes, "Sorry for caring," with that said, I was out of her door and away from the heartache that was surfacing inside my chest.


Matt didn't say anything as we both got inside his car then left. I knew that he knew what was going through my head, and I'm glad that I didn't have to explain to him.

I guess telling him some things are worth it.

After a while he spoke, "Are you in a hurry to get home?"

I looked over at him as he was watching the road. When he glanced back over to me, I shook my head and saw him smile.

"Good, because there's a place I want to take you," all I did was nod and let him take me wherever. I didn't mind though because honestly, I didn't want to go home anytime soon.

I looked out the window and all I could think about was Miss Shuler's mom, and how she was lying to us about everything being ok. I wanted to ask her questions, but I decided against it. I didn't know if that was the best way to go or not, after what happened between us.

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