Part 1

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"Who do you think you are eating without my permission?!" My mom said." I'm sorry mom. I was hungry". I said and she slapped me." I don't care if your hungry. You get food when I say you can!" She said and picked me up and threw me into my room." Just wait until your father gets home". She said and slammed the door on her way out. I cried on my bed thinking about what happened." Why does my parents do this to me?" I thought. I took out my tail and started to play with it." Genevieve". A voice said. I looked around my room to see for it was." Am I being paranoid?" I said then suddenly the lights turn off in my room. I shrieked and ran for my door. I kept twisting the handle but the door was stuck." Genevieve". The voice said again." Who are you? What do you want?" I said. Then something broke my window to reveal a man. He was wearing a white hoodie, black pants and black shoes. He got up and he looked at me. He had a white face, eyes looked like he hasn't blinked at all, and a widen red smile. He pulled out a knife and stepped closer to me." Go To Sleep". He said and grabbed me against the wall. I started to cry in fear that I was going to die." That's enough Jeffery. You had your fun now let me talk to her". The voice said and the man named Jeffery stepped away from me. Then out of nowhere another man appeared. He was slender, had white skin and was wearing a black tuxedo. On his face, he had no eyes, no nose, and no mouth." Who are you?" I said and the tall man walked to me and looked down at me." Do not worry child, we aren't going to harm you". He said." How do you know my name? Are you a stalker?" I said." I'm Slenderman and that man behind me is Jeffery". He said." It's Jeff the Killer not Jeffery!Don't use my full name!" Jeff said." Well why are you here?" I said." We came here for you to become a proxy". Slenderman said." What's a proxy?" I said." A proxy my child is a person that are control by the leader, Which is me, and do missions of killing. You my child have a potential of being a proxy". He said." Slender are you sure she has it? I mean, she is just a kid". Jeff said." Well she is a special kid". Slenderman said and looked behind me to see my tail." A tail?" Slenderman said." Yeah I don't know why I have it". I said grabbing my tail." So your a saiyan". He said." What?" I said." She doesn't even know her own kind". Jeff said." Yet but those parents of her aren't saiyans". Slenderman said." So will you become a proxy Genevieve?" He said." I don't know but how can I trust you?" I said." Well I can get you away from your parents. It seems they treat you badly, am I correct?" Slenderman said." Yeah". I said. Then suddenly I heard my parents out in the hallway." Hold on a minute". I said and cracked open my door and ease drop of my parents." Honey, I want to get rid of her". My mom said." I know me too. I say we put her on the streets so she wouldn't be in our hair anymore". My dad said." Yes let's do that". Mom said. I closed my door and looked down." Now will you?" Slenderman said. I sighed and looked at him." Yeah I accepted". I said." Good decision". Jeff said. Then suddenly we disappeared out of my room and appeared outside of a old mansion." Welcome to the Slender Mansion and your new home". Slenderman said." Woah". I said." Yep it's huge and more creepypasta's are here too". Jeff said." Cool". I said." Well I guess my new life begins". I thought." It certainly will be your new life child". Slenderman said and I got freaked out." How did you...". I said." I can read minds child". He said." Well that explains it". I said." Well she'll need a nickname now". Jeff said." I know! I'm BloodLust". I said.

I creeped into a house and went into a parents bed room. The parents were both sound asleep and it was my perfect chance for my kill. I pulled out my knife and covered the woman's mouth. She woke up and tried to scream." Shh there's no need to make so much noise". I said and she kept trying to scream for her husband but he couldn't hear her." I Don't Wanna Die. So you're gonna have to". I said and started to stab her in the stomach. She screamed in pain until it faded away. I cut open her stomach and cut her guts out. I became a cannibal because of the taste of hearts. I stuffed the heart in a plastic bag and put it in my pocket. I also cut out the kidneys for Eyeless Jack and put it in a separate bag. Then I went over to the husband. He was still asleep which made my kill even easier. I started to stab the sleeping man and cut him open and did the same thing with his heart and kidneys. Once I was done I put some blood on my fingers and started to write "I Don't Wanna Die. So you're gonna have to" and" Goodnight My People" on the wall. Once I was done, I put my knife back in my pocket and opened the window and jumped out to where Ticci Toby and Masky were waiting." D-Did you do i-it?" Toby said and I nodded." Good let's go before the police comes". Masky said and we ran back into the forest. We got back to the mansion and went inside to see Slenderman and the others in the living room." Your back!" BEN said." Yep and Genna did great once again". Masky said and him and Toby sat on the couch." GENEVIEVE!" A small child voice said and something got on my back and it turned out to be Sally." Hey Kiddo! What's up?" I said." Nothing just waiting for you to come back". She said. I grabbed her off my back and put her down and patted her on the head." Will you play with me?" She said and I smiled and crouch down to her." Maybe tomorrow Sally, I got to clean up. I'm not gonna stay in these clothes you know". I said." Oh yeah, right". She said and ran back to her room. Then Eyeless Jack cane from the kitchen." Hey EJ". I said." Hey!" He said." I got it". I said and he ran to me." Really! Is it the good stuff?" He said and I brought it out." You know it is". I said and gave him the separate bag." Heck yeah! You are the best Genna". He said and ran off with the bag." Your welcome!" I said. Soon I did that I walk to my room to take a shower. I got to my room and place the bag of hearts on my desk and went to the bathroom and got into the shower. Once I was done I put my bloody clothes in my bin and put on some fresh new clothes. I wore a white tang top, and black shorts. I got my hair brush and started to brush my wet hair. Then my door knocked and I said" Come in!" The door opened and it turned out to be Slenderman." Hey Slendy". I said." Greetings Child. I have to ask you something". I said and I finished brushing my hair and put it in a ponytail. I turned around to him and crossed my arms." I'm listening". I said." Well remember you said that there was a tournament tomorrow and you were training for it last week?" He said." Yeah and you said no". I said." Well I changed my mind. If you want to compete, you can but I want you to know something". He said." Do not use your saiyan powers. You can only use your strength. No powers". He said." Really! Thank you Slender! And I promise I won't use my powers". I said in excitement." Ok. Good we are on the same page". He said." Goodnight child". He said." Night". I said and he walked out of the room." Yes!" I said. Tomorrow is going to be awesome. But as Slender says I can't use my saiyan powers and I can't kill the person. Then the door knocked again." Come in". I said and the door open to reveal Clockwork, Jane, Sally, Hoodie and Toby." Hey guys". I said." Hey, Slender said you'll be competing in the Worlds Martial Arts Tournament. You think your gonna win?" Jane said." Maybe". I said." Well I hope you do. If you win, you can get a huge amount of money". Clockwork said." Guys I'm not doing it for the money. I'm doing it for fun". I said." Yeah but what if you do win?" Hoodie said." Well then I could give some money to you guys". I said." Really?!" They all said." Uh huh". I said and looked at Sally." And maybe I'll buy you some new toys Sally since you said your toys are getting old". I said and she jumped onto my lap." Your the nicest proxy Genevieve". Sally said." Y-Yeah she i-is. S-She hel-el-elps everyone out in the m-m-mansion. Even Slender like her n-n-niceness". Toby said." Thanks you guys". I said." Well we'll leave you to sleep for tomorrow. Night". Jane said and they all left the room. Then I got on my bed and went into the covers. Then I turned off the lights and instantly went to sleep.

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