Part 4

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Me and the rest were flying away to Capsule corp but Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan's wives and Master Roshi went onto their ship. Must be hard for the old man since he would get wack by the girls. I felt like I was being looked at so I looked to my left and saw Vegeta looking at me." What?" I said." So you like Genna?" He said and I stopped and so did the rest." What?!" I said angrily." You heard me. You like Genna". He said." N-No I don't!" I said angrily." Sure you don't. You were blushing back over at the tournament when she said you were strong as well". He said. I growled and crossed my arms looking away from him. I don't care about her, she isn't what is important to me. I mean, sure she's strong, sassy, tough, beaut-. Wait what?! I wasn't going to say... whatever." Oh Piccolo. Just admit you have some feelings for the girl". Vegeta said." I don't have feelings for her. I'm not like that". I said." Vegeta leave him alone. So what if he DOES have feelings for Genna or not. It doesn't matter". Goku said." Oh shut up Kakarot". Vegeta said." Cmon guys there isn't a reason to fight over something stupid". Krillin said." Ugh whatever". I said. Then we got to Capsule corp and stayed there for a bit. Do I really have feelings for her? We just met and yet I do have that feeling?

I was hanging out with the girls and I put my money in a secret place in my room." So Genna what you gonna do with all that moo la?" Clockwork said." For starters: new knives". I said." And probably go to the toy store to buy something for someone but I just don't remember who". I played then Sally came running up to me and was in joy." Silly Genna I want to go". She said and I laughed." I know just teasing". I said." So Masky told us that you met some humans. What's up with that?" Jane said." Yeah I met some humans. There really nice". I said laying on my bed." Have you been nervous around them? About you know?" Clockwork said." No of course not. I wouldn't get nervous about that. Humans have no brains, these guys aren't gonna find out that I'm a proxy slash saiyan". I said and they nodded in agreement." Yeah that's true. Let's talk about something else. Like who we like". Jane said." Oh God". I thought." I surely know who you like Jane". Sally said with a smirk." Oh really kid? Say it then". Jane said in a cocky tone." Welllll he's just like you and you and him have The Killer in your names". Sally said. Jane's eyes widen and she blushed in the process." HOW'D YOU KNOW THAT YOU LITTLE BRAT!?" Jane said as me, Sally, and Clockwork burst out laughing our butts off." So you do like Jeff?" I said." N-No I don't". She said." Yes you do". Sally said." Calm down guys, Jane just doesn't want to admit it". Clockwork said." Hmp whatever". Was all Jane said. Then suddenly Offenderman came in the room. Slenderman's other brother. Me, Jane, and Clockwork got up and got ready to fight." Now Now ladies. I ain't here to do anything, Slendy wanted me to get you girls because he said we have new killers joining with us". He said. We looked at him and nodded. Then he disappeared and we relaxed our selves." That was close". Clockwork said." I'll say". I said." Cmon then if Slendy said that the new recruits are here". Jane said. Then we all left my room and walk into the living room to see Slendy, Jeff, Toby, BEN, Masky, Kate, Eyeless Jack, and Laughing Jack in the living room and two new boys." Ok since you girls are here, introduced yourselves". Slendy said to the new boys." Hi, I'm Bloody Painter". One said with a mask that had a painted smile for a mouth." And I'm Puppeteer". Said a man with a black jack." Nice to meet ya". Jane said." Everyone else introduced yourselves". Slendy said." I'm Jane. Jane The Killer". Jane said." I'm Toby. T-Ticci Toby". Toby said." Sally". Sally said." I'm Jeff. Jeff The Killer". Jeff said." I'm BEN". BEN said." I'm Eyeless Jack". EJ said." I'm Laughing Jack". LJ said." I'm BloodLust or Genna or Genevieve". I said." And I'm Kate". Kate said." Ok good. Everyone make them feel right at home, got it?" Slendy said." Yes sir!" Everyone said." Genna show them to their rooms". Slendy said." Ok. Follow me". I said and me, Puppeteer and Bloody Painter walk into the hallway of rooms." So you two. How old are you?" I said." We're both 19". Bloody Painter said." Cool I'm 18". I said." Cool we also know each other. We're kinda like brothers". Puppeteer said." Awe that's so sweet!" I said trying to be kawii. They chuckled and we stopped at their room." Here it is. Slendy said you two would be sharing a room". I said." Ok". They said in sync. I open the door and we went in." I need to go so make yourself at home". I said and they nodded and I walk out of the room. Then I turn to see Masky." Oh hey Masky". I said." Hey I need to talk to you about those.....humans you were with". He said." Masky I told you this. They won't know about this. Their nice". I said putting my hands on my waist." That's not the case. Those humans are good. GOOOOD. Your BAD. Ring any bells?" He said." I know that. That's why I not telling them I'm a proxy". I said walking slowly pass him."  But what if they find out by themselves?" He said grabbing my arm." Then I have no choice but to kill them". I said and looked to him." I can't have them snitching on me or even us". I said. He nodded in approval and I walk back into my room.

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