Chapter Thirteen

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C H I N - M A E

"Sumi! Wake up!" I scream loudly into her ear making her fall to the ground.

"Argh what is wrong with you." She groans as she sits up and stretch.

"We still have to go to school today." I remind her making her jump up and running into her bedroom to get ready.

"Remember your uniform is in the bathroom as well." I shout and she shouts a quick 'K' before I heard the shower go on.

We got our uniform yesterday so we wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb and I'm sorry that Sumi didn't mention it yesterday so yeah we got them when Sumi enrolled us and Sumi gave me her uniform yesterday as she change and went to her work interview.

I walk into the kitchen and see the squash burger Sumi feed to me last night so I grab it and finish eating the rest before I begin making mine and Sumi lunch for the day.

'KNOCK KNOCK' I hear banging at the door I walk towards it and just as I'm about to open it I hear shouting.

"Dongseng how do you do a tie." I hear Sumi shout dramatically.

"I don't know search it up on YouTube Pabo." I shout back.

"Your the Pabo." She defends herself.

I heard another knock on the door and open it knowing it's Nurse Hana and walk towards the staircase.

"No your the Pabo who decided to get the tie and don't know how to put it on." I shout back and see her glaring at me but her gaze slowly turn towards the door.

"What?" I asks and turn around to see the boys from yesterday.

"Good Morning." Jin jumps in front of the boys and raffling my hair.

"Yah Jin stop it." I say blushing and moving away from the step.


That's the cue and that's when I heard footsteps running downstairs but then it sounded like a thumb and bump I look up and see Sumi had fallen down and was still falling to the ground in a blink of an eye Suga jumps in front of the stairs and catches Sumi in his arm.

"Unnie are you alright?" I ask immediately standing besides her.

"Yeah and thanks." Sumi says standing up and looking at Suga.

"Its okay." Suga wipes himself and since no body knew what to do but unlike Jin he did and I was thankful that Jin knew.

"Come here and let me check to see if nothing is broken." Jin demands.

"No I'm alright this stupid tie got in the way where's the bloody manual to this." Sumi says trying to do the tie to only create a huge knot.

"Firstly si-"

"I can help." Rap Mon says and rush towards Sumi and help with her ties to only create a big knot and get his hand stuck and ripping it.

"Yah you pabo you broke it." Sumi groans and slaps him repeatedly.

"Mian, Mian." Rap Mon scream trying to protect himself but Sumi kept hitting.

"Mianhamnida." Rap Mon cries and since Sumi is Sumi she slaps him once more before letting it go. "Kamashimnida." Rap Mon sighs in relief but since Rap Mon was wearing a hat Sumi took it and put it on.

"Thats my hat." Rap Mon groans but Sumi shrugs and takes the tie off.

"Well I'm glad that I'm not the only one who doesn't know how to put it on." Sumi genuinely smiles.

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