Chapter Sixty-Four

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C H I N - M A E

Dasom spoke before she grab my wrist a little harshly I was use to it so I let her drag me knowing fighting won't help not in the state I was in at the moment we then ended up at a stand and she brought something.

"Here." She shoved a pink jersey in my direction before leaving me stating she will be back soon. I stood there silently and as promised Dasom came back.

"Here, it's for your burns." I took the cream from her and looked at her.

Dasom is usually mean to me when we're alone and she is always glaring at me when no one's around and I'm surprised when's she decided to help me I know the threat she threw at me earlier was not only the truth but it was just her way to hide her real self from her facade she pulls.

"Are you a baby or something? Do you need me to put the cream on you?" I shook my head at Dasom sarcastic question and quickly left to go back to the girls bathroom and started spreading the cream on my red skin before shrugging on the pink jersey that matched my outfit and zipped it up.

"I have to go later loser." With that said Dasom left me alone.

"I should go enjoy the rest of the convention." I mumbled to myself before walking around aimlessly.

Why is Dasom bad in the first place? Why is she acting like this in the first place?

I saw a cute penguin plushies as I was passing a stand and it caught my full attention. It was literally calling my name begging me to buy it and take it home and call it my own. To love it and name it and sleep with it every night.

I'm getting that penguin.

"Hi, how much is that?" I asked pointing at the penguin itself.

"You have to win it." The guy says.

"You have to answer one anime question correctly and he's all yours."

"Pfft. Easy anime is my life this is going to be-"

[Time Skip]

".........Hard!" I groan in frustration.

Five minutes later I was sadly walking away with no penguin to hold, to love, to name and sleep with at night or take home. All the question were so hard, like, what are all the brothers name in brother conflict. I only knew nine of them and the other three slipped my minds so I lost thankfully I had three tries to answer all five questions right but still I lost.

Anime was one thing I was looking forward to but Sumi was being distant, I found out Taehyung was going out with Dasom, not that I'm jealous or anything, Jae-Hwa ditched me, hot chocolate gets spilled on me ruining my outfit and now I have no penguin.

"Grr! Today is going terrible!" I shout in frustration. I walk out said angrily wanting fresh air sitting on a random bench hugging my legs and staring in front of me.

H Y E - K I M

I was walking around the convention just looking at a bunch of random stuff when I heard someone call my name.

"HyeKim!" I turned my head and saw Jae-Hwa running with Hoseok who were running up to me.

"Oh hey Jae what's up?" I asked.

"Me and Hoseok are going to watch a turtle race well we gonna go before we miss it oh also Jungkook is behind you." He smiled at me with Hoseok nodding making me giggle.

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