Imagine 15::Dance Classes

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Yn's Pov.

Yes!Dance class opened today!My best friend,Jaden will be there too!Even tho I dance better then him.I ran to my house to grab my clothes and snacks.I went in my cabnet and grabbed my blue Powerade and 2 bags of chips.I grabbed my keys and left.

Jaden's Pov.

Dannncceee claaassss todayyyy!Lol,im so excited!And the good part is that my best friend,Yn is gonna be there.She think she can dance better than me!Psshhh!She wrong!I walked home and grabbed my clothes and water.I didnt want any snacks so I grabbed my keys and left.

~Dance class

I walked in to see Prod,Ray,Prince,Roc,Myles,Jacob,and some other boys and girls.I walked over to their table and sat by Ray.

Jaden:*sits down*Hey yall!

Ray:*daps Jaden*Wassup Jaden!

Jaden:*smiles*Hey,where is Yn?

Prince:*shrugs*I dunno.She is a grown up now.Her bro cant always be there for her.But if she needs me,I will be there.

Roc:*claps hands*Wow Prince,what a speech!

Prince:*rolls eyes*Whatever Roc.


Yn comes in.

Jaden:*eyes get wide*Yn!

Ray:*grins at you*

Yn's Pov.

What the hell is wrong with Ray!

Yn:*looks at Ray and busts out laughing*

Ray:*stops grinning and hunches shoulders*What?

Yn:*still laughing*You look funnyyy!*holds stomach*

Prod:*gets up pointing at Ray*Ha!Yo ass got caught!*starts laughing*

Myles and Jacob:*looks at eachother and laughs*

I went into the girl's dressing room and got dressed in my black nike sports bra,black nike jacket,black leggings,and all white Jordans.I put my hair in a high proffesional ponytail.Then I put on my big nike headband.I grabbed my bag and went out the dressing room.I walked out to see Prod,Ray,Roc,Myles,Jaden and Jacob just looking at me biting their lip.Soon they were all holding their croutch.I just cheesed at them and walked to Prince.

Yn:*whispers*Prince can you get the boys to stop staring at me.

Prince:*laughs*Ok.*turns around to look at boys*Aye,stop checking my sister out.Yall gonna spread the peace to much!*turns back around to mirror*

Then our teacher came out.

Teacher:*walks out*Ok,today everyone has to pick someone to dance to 'Talk That Talk' by Rihanna.

The Boys:*shouts out*Yn!

These boys be thirsty these days!

Teacher:*looks at you and raises eyebrow*Yn,you up for it?

Yn:*looks at boys*Suuurreee.

The Boys:Yeesss!

I walked up to the mirror and breathed in and out.I had to make up moves.Ive already danced to this song so it wont be hard.But for the boys it will.Ha!Watch.

The teacher soon turned on the song and I started dancing.I was focused on me and my body.I started to body roll to the beat.I have a very sly fit body so im very attractive.

Soon the song was done.I was sweating a little.I walked into the dressing room ignoring the boys.I was wiping my face until I felt myself not to aggresively get pushed into a locker.I took the towel away from my face to see Jaden face to me.He was looking deeply into my eyes.

Yn:*breathing hard*Jaden,what are you doi-

I was cut off by Jaden passionalty kissing me.I cant believe he just kissed me.The room started to heat up because you know how locker rooms are.He started taking off my jacket.I couldnt take it I wanted him.So I took off his tank top.He pinned my hands to the locker.He was rough.I like rough guys.I had sex with Ray and Roc before.They're my exes so, yea.Next thing I knew,I was just in my bra and panties.Jaden bent down and pulled my panties with his teeth.He then took off his sweats and boxers.Jaden then slowly entered in me.Before I could gasp Jaden kissed me.He entered his tounge in my mouth.Our tounges had a good battle.He then went faster and faster by every sweat.The lockers started to make noise.Jaden leaned in and bit my shoulder lightly.I moaned and moaned.I hoped nobody heard us.


Jaden:*breathing hard*Y-Yesss.

After a while of different positions,we both reached our climaxes and got dressed.Before Jaden left he gave me a kiss on lips and whispered in my ear.

Jaden:*whispers in my ear*I love you.I always loved you.*kisses my forehead and leaves*

I will text him later about this.Right now im hungry.He was good though.I think I love my bestfriend.I went through my bag and grabbed my Doritoes.I put my bag over my shoulder and walked out.While I was eating Ray came over and tried to reach in my bag.I popped his hand away.

Yn:*waves finger side to side*No no no.

Ray:*grins*Ok.But I want one of these.*squeezes you ass*

Prince:*walks over to Ray and pulls his braid*BOY!

Ray:*walks back*Oww!*walks back over to the rest of the boys crossing arms*


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