chapter 32:

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Gang' s POV:
BANG.... BANG..... BANG...... BANG.....
People were knocking on the door and we did some magic on nash and taylor so they can forget about the whole gang thing.
Cameron:"Open the door Taylor and nash NOW"
Hayes:"Let me go, Aaron, my brother is in danger"
Aaron:"Someone help me hold hayes"
Gang #3:"Watch out, we're going to get each of yall"
We opened the door, but we have escaped by that time.
Hayes's POV:
I was in tears hearing bangs in my brothers room. I don't know what mess they got themselves into. I was crying and trying to get out of aaron's grip until gilinsky came and calmed me down. The door opened,i ran almost knocking down cameron.
H:"Nash... NASH"
Nash was laying in the floor, looking pale. Taylor was against the wall, they were both still breathing.
Brent:"I guess our plan needs to happen earlier than we thought"
Hayes:"Nash, if you can hear me. Im sorry for everything, im a bad brother. I've hated you because you made Lizbeth runaway. But i see now that someone had you under control, im so stupid" i was crying so hard that Shawn came and hugged me. Even though he was equally as shocked as me.
Shawn:"Look over there, it's a clue"
Brent:"It says 'If you think that Lizbeth left means yall are safe? hahah, nope. Lizbeth was just phase 1. Taylor and nash were just helping, but they were under some control, so they won't remember anything. Well have a nice day. This is not the last time you'll hear from me. (G)"
Shawn:"Im scared, guys"
Cameron:"We need to warn lizbeth"
Carter:"How can we if she hates all of us cause of someone"
We were all staring at cameron
Cameron's POV:
They were all looking at me.
Cameron:"I'm sorry, i was stressed out and I guess i took it all at her"
Taylor:"What happened?"
Johnson:"Well things went down"
Taylor:"Why do i feel light-headed?"
Gilinsky:"Sleep, we will tell you everything in the morning"
It was 2am and i wasn't going to sleep alone.
Cameron:"Well I'm not sleeping alone"
Hayes:"Me either"
Brent:"Then we can all have a SLEEPOVER"
We all had to carry Nash and Taylor so we can protect them at all cost. After that we all sleeped together, everyone fell asleep on the other hand Hayes. I heard him crying softly.
Cameron:"Met me outside"
We walked outside softly so nobody can wake up.
Cameron:"Are you okay?"
Hayes:"No, my brother was in danger, all i was thinking was what if he died, who would protect me, from all the danger. I know I have will, but he doesn't care as much as Nash. I know he didn't like me much, i still care for him."
Cameron:"Hayes, we all make mistakes, and the mistake Nash and Taylor was a huge mistake. They would learn from their mistakes. And never think Nash is leaving you, he loves you, and if he doesn't show it is because he isn't the nash we all loved and we used to know. He some other nash that can never replace."
Hayes:"Thanks Cam"
We walked back to and i let hayes sleep next to nash, while I'll sleep alone in the corner. But it made me feel like I could of been better with Lizbeth. It's that I like her, more than a sister. When I heard that she left us, i guess all my anger went to her, and now she is living with some people, cause all over the news is 'Lizbeth's new friends?' I need to talk to her to settle everything. I was about to fall alseep, until I heard someone talking near our door, I got up to check if the door is locked, and it wasn't so I walked over and locked it. I overheard the Convo and the voice sounded so familiar.
* Convo*
Gang Member #1:"Boss we put the spell on them"
Boss:"Good job, boys"
Gang Member #2:"I put the fake letter on the table"
Boss:"Good job, they would be so worried about themselves and trying to protect themselves. It would leave me time to capture Lizbeth"
Gang memeber #3:"Your smart Tyga"
Boss:"What did you just say"
Gang member #3:"Did I just say your name?"
Tyga:"Dang it, your lucky everyone is asleep, let's go before anyone knows were here. We don't need any police here"
*end of convo*
I heard of tyga before. I went back to the room, and went to my phone and search for Tyga. And his name popped up as the most wanted criminal. I read more about him, and i saw that he killed more than 20 females and kidnapped around 30. And I saw a website that he has a mental disorder, that makes him go crazy, and that he won't give up on something he wants until he gets it. I was worried for lizbeth, i need to call her and warn her.
Tyga is the mystery person, and he has some mental disorder.
Hey guys hope you liked this chapter
I want a brother just like cameron, but instead i got my lame brothers who don't even care for me like cameron cares for everyone.
Nash and Taylor are clear for some magic.
And BTW everyone who commented on the people they want to date, well probably next chapter or so you're going to be their.
Love yall berries ♡♡

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