chapter 77:

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Lizbeth's POV:

Liz-"Cal hurry up sloth"
Cal-"I am. I barley work out. So im out of shape"
Michael-"Their a snake behind you"

After Michael said that, Calum turned into the flash and ran. I stopped and laughed my butt off, i was eventually crying of laughter.

Cal-"Not funny"
Micheal-"Its not funny, its hilarious"
Cal-"Shut up"
Liz-"Aw Cal mad?"

I pinched his cheeks and he started to pout.

Liz-"Well suck it up"
Micheal-"Damn we have a little savage"
Liz-"What can i say, Its everyday bro with the same bully flow"

Cameron's POV:

I was walking to the parking trying to clear my mind up a little bit. I heard some singing to Ricegums music. I looked up and saw her,Lizbeth. She looked better. She was hanging around with 5 boys. They all seem to know each other.

Luke-"Lizbeth be nice"
Cal-"Cause im also human"
Liz-"Well duhh. You aren't a robot"
Ash-"If he was he will be a slow one"
Cal-"Im fast"
Micky-"Is fast a code word for Slow?"
Cal-"I hate yall"

They all seem happy. Lizbeth was next to some blonde dude. He seem really protective about her. She can't have a boyfriend that fast? Or can she?

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