Chapter 80// last chapter

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Hello guys. This chapter would be the ending of they changed me.
This is my first book and I accomplished a lot. Thanks for all the readers and
All the favorites. I have more books in work. You can read my Dolan twins Imagine.
This won't be the last time you would hear of me. I hope my other books would be as big as this one. Thanks for everyone. When I started this I only thought 10 people would read my book. But when I reached 100 readers I was excited. But when I reached 53k readers I was surprised people liked it and that's half way close to 1m readers. Maybe we can reach it in the near future. Now I'm done with this cheesy
Farewell of my first story and on to the story. Hope you like it. And for everyone that commented their name don't worry I have plans for y'all.


Cam' POV

Once we got to Anastasia's house. I took her to the backyard. And I was pretty nervous.
What if she doesn't like me. What if she still hates me for what I did. All these negative
Thoughts that kept on telling me I have no chance.

Cam-"Anastasia. I know you might not remember me. But you and me went to school together
I was kind of your bully. But I have a reason why I made all my friends bully you"
Ana-"Why? You made my school year a living hell"
Cam-"It's cause I liked you for a long time. But when I found out you liked Nash and he liked you back I was mad. I made up a idea to have my friends bully you. And make your high school experience a living hell. Sorry"

Before I walked off, she grabbed my face and kissed me and at first I didn't know what to do but then I kissed her back.


6 year later:

Cam-"I'm nervous guys. What if she doesn't say yes. What if she finds someone better than me"
Luke-"If I was her I would of left you"
Cam-"Not helping"
Nash-"She would say yes. If not I'll say yes"
Cam-"Okay I got this"

I walked over to Anastasia and blindfolded her and carried her to the car. She kept on asking me what's going on. I kept on saying its a secret. Once we got to our destination I carried her to our first date spot which happened to be under a tree that we carved C+A with a heart around it. I got on one knee and she took of her blindfold and stared to cry.

Cam-"Ana for those amazing 6 years of us dating, I feel deeply in love with you. All the laughter. All the tears. All the cherish memories that we made. And I want to make more in the future but as you as my wife. So would you make me the happiest man alive  and marry me?"

Ana-"Yes cam"


1 year later:

I got my tux on and looked at myself. Everyone was outside already sitting.

Nash-"What's wrong. Everyone is waiting"
Cal-"Yea mate."
Cam-"I'm nervous"
Cam-"Me falling. Me tripping. Me peeing."
Nash-"You'll do great. Now come on guys and lets sit."

Everyone walked out but before Nash left he came up to me and patted my back.

Nash-"You got this"

Once he left. I walked out of the dressing room. I wiped of the sweat and took my place.

Shawn-"My best friend is getting married. And the best man"
Hayes-"I'm the awesome man"
Cal-"I'm the sexiest man"
Michael-"I'm the sex god man"
Nash-"Yea no"

The music started to play. I saw Lizbeth and I started to tear up. She smiled and looked at Luke who walked her through the aisle to me. Once she got to me, she wiped my tears"

Ana-"Let's do this cam"

3 years later:

Ana-"Cam come help me with the twins"
Cam-"I'm trying"
Ana-"Aw cam she said her first word"
Cam-"I hope Carson and bailey say dad"
Bailey- "Boobs"
Cam-"Dang it. Come on Carson and bailey it's easy, D-A-D"
bailey- "daddy"
Cam-"Atta boys"
Ana-"we are on happy family"


The end. Thanks for reading my book. Hope you liked it. Make sure to favorite this story. And I hope in the near future we get 1m readers. We are so close. But for now I'm grateful for my 53k readers.

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