Let Go, Move On

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(Dean P.O.V)

I held Nikki back up against the wall, protecting her from Paige. Seth had tried to hold Paige back as much as he could, but to no avail. So, when Sasha ran into the bathroom, she had to help Seth keep Paige from literally ending Nikki's life right now...or possibly even my own life...Seth and Sasha both had to hold her back until someone finally called in the security guard. A crowd of people were outside of the bathroom, trying to get in or just see what the disturbance was. The noise level was all the way up in here and it wasn't any good noise: Nikki yelling, Paige screaming and trying to get to one of us, Seth and Sasha both shouting to get Paige to relax, and even my own shouting at everyone to just shut the hell up. Just by the look on Paige's face, I knew she was outraged. And if I were in her shoes, I would be too. Come to think of it, I am in her shoes...except on her half, she didn't get caught.

"Let me go! LET ME GO!" Paige shouted as the security guard held her. "Just...let...me..GO!" She shouted again but this time kicking the security guard in the groin. As she did that, he let her out of his tight grip as he fell to the floor, then she stood up on her own. Seth and Sasha immediately went to grab her again but she yanked her way out of their grasps, then walked over to me, slapping my face hard as fuck....I deserved that. "You needed me. You need me. I gave up everything just for you...EVERYTHING. My engagement, my fiancé, my house, my happiness, my own damn sanity...just to be with you because I fucking loved you...and you know you loved me....and t-this...this is how you repay me?! You repay me by cheating on me? Again?! Do you think I deserve that?" Paige questioned me, making me like the biggest asshole on planet fuckin' Earth. But do I have a right to feel that way? She cheated on me too.

"No, you don't deserve that. And you have the right to be mad at me, I'll give you that...and I'm sorry, I really am...but...do I get a say in this? Let's not forget you cheated on me too..." I said to her, hearing a few gasps in the background. She then slapped my face hard once again, as if I was lying about her cheating. "So, I'm wrong for cheating and you're not? Is that how this works now, Paige?" "What makes you think that I even cheated on you?" She questioned me again. "It's fuckin obvious. I mean, if you and Seth were gonna fuck, at least make it look like you didn't!" I shouted at her. "WHAT?!" I heard Sasha shout and she looked over at Seth, glaring at him. "Is it true?!"....Seth looked down as everyone was staring at him then he looked up at Paige and mouthed 'I'm sorry' to her. "Yeah...yeah, it's true." Seth admitted softly, earning himself a hard slap across the face from Sasha. "I can't believe you, I really can't. I'm done. We're fucking done!" She said as she stormed out of the bathroom, angrily making her way through the crowd of people. "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" I heard one last shout from her as she left the restaurant.

"I knew it." I said, shaking my head at Paige. "Oh, please. I could say the same about you. But you cheated twice, probably three times and made it obvious as hell. Then you go and do it again...when we're legitimately supposed to be on this date together?! Really? Hmph...it may seem like it was behind my back, but in reality....it was right in my face...I should've left you from the beginning." Paige said to me.

"No, he should've left YOU from the beginning." Nikki chimed in. "Nicole, just stay quiet" I said to her. "You know what, if you were smart, you would've left him and moved onto someone else. He didn't even want you." Paige said to Nikki, and they continued to go on and on. "If he didn't want me, then why did he put a ring on it then? Bitch, we're married! That's something you could never accomplish." Nikki said to her and Paige scoffed. "Hoe please, he only married you because he knocked your ass up. And guess what...even when your baby was born, he still wanted me." Paige said. "Excuse you? Did you just call me a hoe?" Nikki asked Paige sarcastically. "Only hoe here is you. At least I only spread my legs open to one person." Nikki said to her.

That was probably the breaking point because Paige ran up and swung on Nikki, but again I was in front of Nikki, so I ended up taking the punch for her. Seth grabbed Paige and held her back again on the other side of the bathroom. Paige and Nikki both tried to come at each other again and again, but to no avail because we keep them separated. Probably should've just let the two of them fight to get it over and done with, but I didn't want anyone to have to go to jail tonight. "Look, just calm down! Let's just leave and forget this ever happened!" I shouted, trying to stop all the madness from happening. But, it just kept coming. All the screaming was just nonstop.

"Yeah, that's right...LEAVE. Leave me just like you always do and run off with her!" "He will, bitch! Don't worry about us!" Nikki said back to Paige and Paige just flipped her off. "Look wannabe stripper, it's not you I'm worried about...although this son of a bitch hurt me, I'm worried about him because he's once again choosing to be with someone like you...but it's all good..." Paige said as she started to calm down and the noise level became silent. "Dean...I just want you to know that...I HATE you...and...I never wanna see you again...I may have hurt you...but you don't know the half of how much you hurt me...I'll never forgive you. Never. I'm letting go and finallly moving on from all this...I just hope you're happy." Paige said before she finally left the bathroom with tears in her eyes. Seth shook his head at me and Nikki before following Paige out of the restaurant. Deep down, I wanted to cry too because I'm such an asshole and I can't tell what's best for me. I just shook it off and let what she said sink in. I had no idea what the future held for me now, I had no idea where I would go from here, and I had no idea that, that would be the last time I ever saw Paige again...


Which do you think is harder? Letting go or moving on?

What's gonna happen next?

Stay tuned, only two chapters left 👀

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