Sleeping With The One I Love

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(Nikki P.O.V)

I'm not sure why, but Brie had been calling my phone all morning long. I would've answered, but I was either busy or not feeling too good. Any day now I could be going into labor, so I didn't need her or anyone else to be stressing me out right now. I just needed some time to myself, but it would've been nice to have my husband here by my side, at least. All I got was a text from him earlier, asking me if I'm okay. I lied and would respond by saying that I was but on the inside, I just wanted to be in his arms. I know that he's busy and he's always on the road but I just miss him so much. Now that I think about it, Brie was probably just missing me too. I can't be on the road with her these days, so she probably just wanted to hear my voice and talk to me. So, I decided to finally give her a call back.

"Hello?" I heard Brie say on the other end. "Hey, Brianna. Sorry I didn't pick up, just was busy. Ugh and I was feeling so nauseous this morning, I..." I was explaining to her but she cut me off in an instant. "Listen Nicole, I just pulled up in your driveway. I'm outside. Get up and unlock the door to let me in. We need to talk about something serious." Brie said. She had hung up and I wasted no time getting up and opening the door for her to come in. I know when my sister is joking and I know when she's being serious...she was definitely being serious in this moment...
Brie came straight in and literally got straight to the point. "Dean is cheating on you." She said to me and my mouth instantly went agape. "Woah...what?!" Was all I managed to say before she repeated herself. "Nicole, Dean is cheating on you." "Brianna, why would you say something like that?" I questioned her. "Look, I would never accuse anyone of anything, Nicole. You know that." "Sure, I know that but here you are accusing my husband of cheating, Brianna. That doesn't sit well with me." I said to her. "And it doesn't sit well with me that you don't believe me either." "Why should I believe you?" I asked. "Nikki, I came all the way here just to tell you that. You wouldn't answer the phone, so I legitimately booked a flight all the way here just to tell you!" Brie explained to me. I loved my sister with all my heart but right now I really hated her. She came to my home and accused my husband of cheating. It's disrespectful. Who would do something like that? "Brianna, this is too much for me right now and I can't believe..." "You don't believe me? Fine, then come to back to work with me tonight. Ask him yourself. And if you want, ask Paige too." "Paige? Why Paige?" I asked quickly as I glared at Brie. "I saw them, Nikki. In the hallway, they were kissing. Dean and Paige are having an affair, so you and Seth are in the victims here...I'm sorry, Nicole." Brie said and I could legitimately feel my heart drop. "Okay. We leave right now and make our way to tonight's live event. Let's go."

(Paige P.O.V)

I walked around backstage just thinking about what's been going on in my life. I've been trying to process everything, but the more I thought about it, the more guilty I felt. I love Seth with all my heart, he's my best friend...and I hurt him. I'm still hurting him and he doesn't even know it. He's basically taking a walk in my shoes from the past. Which sucks because no one should ever have to walk in those shoes. My heart aches for him already, everytime I kiss him, it burns my lips because it's not the lips I want and every 'I love you' is just a lie, because I'm giving all my love to someone else...

I strive to do right but I'm doing so wrong.
I'm living in this house but I can't call it home.
He gives me what I want but it's not what I need.
My mind is telling me to stay but my heart wants to leave.

I'm sleeping, sleeping with the one I love. Said I'm sleeping with the one I love.
Oh, the one I'm with is good to me...but he just ain't good enough.

Yes, I've tried to shake it off, and I even tried to pray.
But I'm still waking up in a bed that don't belong to me.
See, he offered me the Earth, but instead I chose space.
I found about the cost, but it's a price I'm willing to pay.

Lovesick: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now