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The two passed the ball outside. They had so much fun tohether. When they sat down to take a break and drink a soda he passed her the cinnamon gum. When she opened it In Alec's handwriting it said, WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO OUT. Ashley looked over and smiled.
Alec leaned over and hugged her.
"I'm so glad you said yes"
To be honest I've liked you for two years and I've been waiting for this day."
Ashley looked around the yard.
"I see you have a pool"she said
"Yea wanna go swimming."
"I don't have a bathing suit."
"You can borrow my sisters."
Alex snuck upstairs so no one would see him. He grabbed his bathing suit and his sister's bathing suit. He ran down the stairs and into the backyard. Alec handed her the bathing suit. They took turns going behind the shed to change. They both jumped into the pool. Too bad he left his watch inside It was about to be 10.

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