10. Queen of Learning Lessons

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Tristan lay unconscious on my bed. Getting him there had been a bit of an adventure. Daphne had spelled his driver to sit in the passenger seat and twiddle his thumbs. Then she spelled Tristan into a half-conscious state, got him inside the car with a bit of help from me, and drove us all back to my hotel room. If I wasn't still reeling from almost having died, I'd have found the whole situation pretty amusing. Yakety Sax should be playing in the background kind of amusing. Alas...

The first thing I did after helping deposit Tristan onto the bed was to pick up the damned magic necklace and put it on. I swear, if it helped me avoid another vampire attack, I'd never take the damned thing off.

Daphne paced in front of the window. She hadn't said a word to me in ages, but I could just feel a lecture was coming on. She had that look about her, like she was preparing a speech.

Alexis texted me several times, asking where the hell Tristan and I wandered off to. Thankfully, he had taken care of his part of the bill before he went traipsing after me, so at least I didn't have to deal with that awkwardness. Still, it seemed so insignificant considering the part where I very nearly died.

I rattled off a lie about how I got sick in the bathroom and Tristan, ever the gentleman, volunteered to take me home. I doubt Alexis would believe it, but that was the least of my concerns at the moment.

Letting my phone flop haphazardly to the bed, I turned to Daphne.

"How did you know I was in trouble?" I asked.

"I had a feeling you'd do something stupid, so I had Corvus follow you," she replied flippantly.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled. "But you should have warned me about the danger."

Granted, she had, but if she had been more direct and said "Hey, if you don't wear this ugly necklace a vampire will literally try to kill you!" I might not have been in this situation.

Daphne scowled.

"I did warn you," she said through gritted teeth. "Let me guess, the necklace didn't go with your dress, is that it?"

I kept my mouth shut, fighting the natural instinct to argue. Even though was generally terrible at picking my battles, I could sense that I wouldn't be a winner here. Besides, Daphne did save my life.

"I'll be more careful next time."

"If there is a next time," Daphne grumbled.

"Damion's dead," I said, furrowing my brows in confusion.

Daphne shot me a withering look. "He may have contacted Sheridan before he attacked you."

I felt my face pale. Did he? Was I on the king's hit list?

"Then there's the matter of a prominent vampire like Damion Raleigh suddenly vanishing. This will not go unnoticed," Daphne continued.

Back slumping, I closed my eyes, needing a brief moment of peace. The idea that I had sealed my death sentence by not wearing a stupid magic necklace was too much to process.

Tristan stirred behind me, a soft groan emitting from his lips. Daphne glanced his way, waved her hand, and he relaxed again, his breaths growing slow and even.

"What's going to happen to him?" I asked.

Daphne pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed deeply. "I know a memory spell. It requires his blood."

She ambled over to him, then fiddled with a silver band on her right ring finger. A tiny thorn-like blade popped up, and Daphne used it to nick the tip of Tristan's thumb. Pulling a handkerchief out of her coat pocket, she dabbed at the blood.

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