14. Queen of History Lessons

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The next day I received a text from James saying he wouldn't send guards.

'I'm trusting you with this,' he said. I was relieved, since being trailed by bodyguards would make my time in New Orleans increasingly difficult. I was trying to keep a low profile, and constantly trying to explain why two suited lunkheads were following me was no way to do that.

And given that he'd treated me like a child during his impromptu visit, I was glad he was finally showing some faith in my ability to take care of myself. Even if that faith was admittedly somewhat misplaced. But I was sure a few more magic lessons would be able to put both of our minds at ease.

Daphne requested I come over for another practice session this afternoon, for which I was glad. I needed to distract myself with something other than my relationship woes. I also needed to ask her about Tristan's proposition of meeting his guardians. Though she advised me to stay away from the King Sheridan for my own safety, I was willing to bet she had some sort of workaround for a case like this.

Truthfully, I wanted to meet the king and queen. (Granted, I'd already met them last year when I accompanied James on one of his diplomatic trips, but I doubted they'd remember me.) If the danger of being discovered as a witch hadn't been looming over me, I'd have jumped at the chance. Although, it wouldn't be for Tristan's benefit, but my own.

At times like this I questioned whether I had really thought this witch thing through.

Instead of spending time in a stuffy cab, I opted to walk, hoping the fresh air would clear my head. It would take more time, but time was something I had in abundance now. I hadn't made it halfway down the street from my hotel before a black car with tinted windows slowly pulled up to me.

I spied the driver through the windshield — a man in a dark suit and sunglasses — and quickened my pace, fearing it was one of Sheridan's men. Keep driving, I willed, feeling the stirrings of magic course through my body. I'm not here.

Much to my surprise, the driver hit the gas and the car lurched forward. Then, just as abruptly, it skidded to a halt, tires screeching. The muffled sound of raised voices emanated from the back and I stopped, staring at it in confusion. The back window rolled up and my shoulders slumped in disappointment as a blonde head with asymmetrical bangs peeked out.

"Hi Sabine!" Alexis exclaimed in a sickeningly cheerful tone. "What are you up to?"

Groaning inwardly, I ambled closer. I did not have the patience to deal with her today. Or ever.

"Shopping," I replied tersely. It was a good excuse as any.

"What a coincidence!" Alexis said. Her high pitched voice grated on my nerves. "I was just about to hit the boutiques with Jeanette and Claudia. You should come with us!" Her tone had an edge to it, like it was not a request.

I badly, desperately, wanted to tell her to go to hell. Ever since I learned how useless she was to me I wanted her out of sight and out of mind. But Daphne told me to keep pretending like our little deal was still on. And as much as I wanted to blow her off right this second, it would be social suicide. So I got inside the car.

It was cramped, with four of us squeezing into the backseat like sardines. Alexis clearly hadn't expected to run into me and I wished she'd just kept driving. The other two girls, Jeanette and Claudia, stared daggers in my direction as if this predicament was my fault.

I had to tell Daphne I'd be delayed, so I took my phone out and sent her a text, making sure to blame Alexis specifically.

"Is that Tristan you're texting?" Alexis asked, her tone cheeky.

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