chapter 3

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a/n: you, my friend, are very great. That is something that I've needed to hear so I needed to tell you. I apologize for not updating in such a long time. I'm back now though.

so I have worked on this and have a lot of the next chapter done. This chapter is slightly shorted but I wanted it up.

but here is chapter 3

enjoy my loves:)

p.s. sorry for an mistakes it's uber later here:(

Chapter 3:

Thank you... for changing everything.

The day finally ended. I couldn't say my day sucked. It was pretty good. I got some friends. No one beat me up. I wasn't shoved. Life was on an okay route.

I started to shove books in my locker carelessly. It really was stupid because half my books feel out and onto the floor. Before I could even try picking them up, Louis was picking them up.

Lord in heaven help me.

"You should try and keep organized curly. Don't get messy on your first day," he said smirking at me while he gave me my books. I smiled back and put the ones I needed in my bag. I slung my bag over my shoulder and started to walk through the crowded hallway. I didn't get far before I heard my name being called. I turned to see Louis walking over to me.

"Hey mate!" he said as he caught up with me. "I'll walk you out."

"I think I can find a way out on my own Louis. I'm new, not five," I said with a laugh as we walked being pushed here and there. Though I know I didn't really mind.

"Well still... So, how was the rest of your day?" he asked as we walked out the doors.

"Fine." I thought about you non stop "I mean no one beat me up that's a start right?"

"Yeah haha," and then he mumble something I couldn't catch. I just ignored it and we talked about some pointless crap. I was almost to my car when he stopped.

"Listen, my car is this way," he said and I stopped too looking at him, "So uh I'll see you tomorrow right?"

I couldn't help the smile that broke across my face. "Yeah, see ya... and thanks for today by the way."

"No problem," was all he said as he started to walk away.

I don't know where I got my courage, but all of the sudden it hit me.

"Wait Louis!" I yelled and he spun around quickly.  "Can I uh.. uhm like... what's your twitter?" So what I said I was courageous not smooth. 

"Oh uh... shit..." he started walking back towards me. "It's just Louis_Tomlinson... uh yea," he said scratching the back of his neck nervously. Holy shit.

"Okay I'll talk to you later then," I smiled an walked away from him and heard him mumble a 'Yeah okay'.

I got into my car and started to drive home. Once I got there I could be alone. My mum wouldn't be home until later so I'd have the house to myself. That was one of the bad and good things about my mother being a nurse. I often was alone which can be great, but I often was alone which can be bad.

Since my mother and I moved here about a month ago I've been spending a lot of time alone. My mom didn't make me go to school straight away but she eventually stopped making me put it off. I had been spending my days unpacking and setting the house up for my mom, seeing as she had to start work right when we got here and worked long hours to help my sister pay for college. The whole reason we moved out here was for the better pay, but she still worked 6 days a week from 9-7 unless she worked the night.

But after you've put the house together and set everything up there's only so much you can do. I had tried talking to my old friends but they, unlike me, had to go to school. Eventually I decided it was time to get back to school. I was already behind. I might be smart but I can't just not go to school. 

 I had became accustom to the emptiness and it was okay. But coming back today to the empty house felt weird. Back home when I came home from school I was greeted by my mom and sat at the table doing my homework while she talked about her days. But I came to emptiness and sat alone doing my homework. I made dinner for both my mother and I, though I knew she wouldn't be back for hours. I then headed upstairs to my laptop.

My laptop is precious. It has been my connection to everyone for the last couple weeks. Its about 4:30 so I decide it would be 100% okay for me to message some old friends. I might have been popular back home but I only talk to like 3 people from home.

But as I tried to Skype them none of them were online. I decided then to go on twitter. Once I got on I quickly went to the search bar and searched for Louis. I found him and started to scroll through his feed after following him. He had the basic teenage boy tweets so I eventually stopped. by now it was 5:15 ish so I logged out of twitter and started playing a game. As I was about to shut my computer down I got a twitter notification.

I had expected to go on and see that Louis had followed me but to my surprise that was not the case. Niall had followed me. I followed him back quickly and then got a message from him a few minutes later.

NiallOfficial: Hey Harry! I didn't get to see you after lunch and I was wondering how your day went??

I typed a reply quickly aswell.

HarryStyles: Hey sorry about that mate. Everything went fine but you can text me instead of using twitter if you want,

I then added my number and shut my laptop down. 


I had spent most of my night then texting Niall. He really was a great guy, I could not deny that. Louis had eventually followed me back but no messages were ever sent between us which was okay.

My mom came home and I filled her in on my day, leaving out the what happened with Louis in the morning but not leaving out that I had meant him.

"So we had put off you going to school in fear that you would be alone just for you to make a bunch of friends on your first day," my mom said raising an eyebrow. I just shrugged and finished eating.

My mom got up and then started to wash her plate. I came over and started to do the drying but then heard mum ask, "So this Louis boy, is he cute?"

I almost dropped my plate. I had been open with my mother about my sexuality. It wasn't something that I hid from her once I'd figured it out, but it still sometimes shocked me when she asked something like this.

To answer her question I had shrugged and turned a bit chrism. She started to giggle. She giggled.

"Mooommmmm seriously stop!" I said but I was laughing as well.

So we talked about Louis for a while. I later went upstairs showered and continued to text Niall. I later fell into a deep sleep dreaming of happiness and endless time.


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