chapter 5

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Alright to start, my apologies.

But uh yeah this came out supppperrr long and i wasn't expecting it to but hey.

Im really happy with it i want you all to enjoy it:) I'm really you hoping you guys read these they aren't that long but, i'd really like it if you guys gave me feed back on this.

love you lots;)

chapter 5:

It's not knowing someone that makes time with them special. It's the wanting to know them better, even if you already know them so well that makes things special.

After everyone got situated we decided to break into teams. In reality it wasn't the best idea. It wasn't the best idea to even come here, because in my glory of finally going out, having plans, and hanging out with Louis and... his friends? Our friends? His friends, and my... acquiesces? Well, in the mist of it, I forgot that I can't bowl for shit. I'm a clumsy mess, with legs to long for my body, and it wasn't going to work out.

Another reason for us breaking into teams being a terrible idea was, the odd number. But as we broke into teams it went, Zayn and Perrie, with Zayn claiming, "She needs someone to keep her points on the board," earning a slap from her. Then Ed and Ellie, and then Bethany claiming, "I'll kick all your asses with my eyes closed, I don't want a partner."

So that's how Louis and I ended up teammates. Zayn went first and I decided I probably should tell Louis I'm not good at bowling. I hated to do this but like, I can't just go out and suck. The first rule to not being good at something is admitting it. But when I looked over to tell him, seeing as he moved next to me when everyone else got here, he was talking to Bethany.

They weren't just talking though really. She was giggling and he was blushing. She whispered something to him that I couldn't hear over the noise of the busy Friday night bowling ally, but it had him laughing and him poking her side, making her laugh harder.

She threw her head back, in a absolute fit of laughter over Louis. She was pretty, I won't lie. When she laughed her eyes closed fully, and she had a lovely shade of pink washing over her cheeks. She flipped her head back into place, a smile left on her face as she went to look back to Louis.

Her eyes did a quick flick to my face and I had been caught. I had been staring at there interaction, and been caught. However, as quick as her eyes landed on me, they were back on Louis. I turned looking down at Perrie throwing her ball down the ally, but I could hear the hum of the whisper leaving her mouth to Louis' ear.

I leaned forward and rested my elbows on my too knobby knees. I couldn't tell if Bethany was still whispering to Louis or if he was whispering back. I couldn't see them like this, and that was okay. I tried to remind myself that Louis had called her his friend in the car. Surely if they were more he'd have said, right?

Also, what about what Bethany said to me? Look, I'm not a dumb boy, I see what she was implying, but also, I can't think that what she meant and then be wrong. I'm not willing to risk making a move this close into moving to this school.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt Louis lean forward so he was sitting like me.

"Okay, so look," he said as I looked at him. "Bethany, she's good at this. She wasn't lying when she said she could kick all our arses by herself. But Ed, he's shit, and Ellie is just alright. You saw Zayn though, if he's in the zone, he can throw perfect strikes every time. Perrie's pretty good too, but we can take 'em," and he smiled at me. Fuck.

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