This is a list

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Hey guys! This is a list of responses to just random things people say. Some are mine some aren't. Some I read of the internet or Pinterest. XD so yeah enjoy!

This ones mine:
Mom: what's up?
Me: whatever's not down

Sorta mine;
Friend: guess what ( tells what happened)
Me: ... just as the prophecy foretold

Person: what time is it?
Me: time to get a watch.

Person: why so quiet?
1. I like to listen
2. I'm thinking thoughts that ought not to be shared with the rest of the group

Person: ( telling a story )
Me: and then I died.

Person: I hate puns/ jokes/ references
Me: well MEOW, I hope your SATISFIED that I haven't done any of those. ( metal self five)

Person: (says something not nice)
Me: go step on a lego. Barefoot. Several times.

Person: I hope you ( says something)
Me: I hope your earbuds get tangled FOREVER.

Person: your weird.
Me: awww thanks! I try.

Person: you make no sense.
Me: my thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations. ( mental self five, I see what I did there)

Friend: I did it!
Me: but at what cost?

Best Friend: how much does this cost do you think?
Me: your blood.

* person joins conversation*
Person: what in the world are you taking about.
Me: for all you know we could be planning world domination.
My friend here is going to be the monarchy. I'm gonna be her personal assistant. I'm gonna cook her eggs, sweep, clean, and do the taxes while she goes and rules the world.
Person: * slowly backs away*

Hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you thought!

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