For My Bravest Friendo

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First off the Song is "Always" By Panic at the Disco. Sure their may be Romantic Undertones but I take it in a friendship way. Unless its KoalaMelon but whatever. SPEAKING OF 🐨 🍉 hahahaha I need a life....

ANYWAY this is one of the last days of my friend's ORIGINAL show! Which is so cool! And I know she and everyone else involved did amazing! So I had to celebrate somehow!

ANYWAY this is one of the last days of my friend's ORIGINAL show! Which is so cool! And I know she and everyone else involved did amazing! So I had to celebrate somehow!

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SO here it is!
3 of the AUs we share. (WE SHARE MANY MANY MORE)
Art credits to ArcticFionaTheFox and shinyumbreongirl ! Not to mention Brave herself with the Mimoza children.
Oh did I mention we made Spartan Mich? Well we did so yay! Also friggin Rotom has to photobomb. He's as much a Mimoza as any of the rest I would argue. NOW to clear this up Spartan Mich is on the left so yeah it was a stylistic choice... (I fucked up).

Now to tie the photo and the song we take a trip to my Dr Whoniverse for this one shot.

Constants and Variables

The Doctor sat the 2 children Down.
"Look, we know about the idea of multiple universes right?" He asked the two.
Brave nodded, "Yes"
The Doctor sighed, "I ask for the umpteenth time because I can now confirm my theory"
"What theory?" Beeba asked.
The Doctor smiled, "You two are a very special duo"
"Is this an insult or" Brave started
"Gosh Darn it Doctor you better not ship it" Beeba hissed, "We've been there done that"

The Doctor rolled his eyes. Muttered something about hormonal teens and their ships then showed them a screen. Well many screens. Some with two Soldiers in futuristic armor firing at hordes of aliens, another a happy family sitting in a lab as the children ran around playing. The youngest a girl threw a rock at the oldest. On another a boy and girl were training in a bleak world. Another showed a young king asking his advisor what to do about his more insane counts. She much more cynical than he was clearly scolding him. Though no sound was available. Their was another showing a disinterested store clerk and a coworker who seemed a bit to aggressive towards him and the smaller more energetic minimum wage worker.  Their was another where two were working with old friends on making a musical. Countless others appeared on many other screens to many to take in at once. Starting and ending all around them.

"So many unique worlds..." The Doctor smiled, "yet somehow you two manage to always be together. I don't know how. It may be as friends, co workers, family or even a couple. But somehow some versions of you always meet"

The two looked on in awe.

"This is normal once or twice, but the sheer number of times it happens. It should be impossible." The Doctor continued, "In a multi-universal reality with constants and variables. You two being at the least aware of one another existence is more a constant. I don't know how but it's true."

The two were now smiling

"Well when you make a friend this awesome. It only makes sense the other versions of me would want that same friendship" Beeba laughed.

Brave rolled her eyes at Beebas corny explanation of a scientific anomaly. He always could make something cheesy.

Soon the kids went back to saving the reality they called home, and the Doctor to flying the TARDIS. But even with the vastness of screens and realities. One was glossed over. Not as dramatic or exciting as the others. It showed Beeba, and Brave . on computers and phones. Messaging one another. Over a strange little websight for writers.

for everything :3 

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