Autumn and Ethan

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Ya ever get one of those ideas from listening to music (that song did it to me)

So here are official bios for my two new OCs Autumn and Ethan.

Character name: Autumn Jane Andrews


Age: 19

Birthday: October 22nd

Sign: Libra

Occupation: in a music store. She is just a cashier but also loves to play the instruments. She makes demos for her music online which she sells through things like Bandcamp and ITunes.

Family members and/or significant others: Autumn's parents passed away recently in a car accident. She has to take care of her younger brother who also happens to be her drummer for her music. She taught him drums by showing him Youtube tutorials as well as bringing him along to several rock concerts back when she could afford them. She currently doesn't have a significant other as she just moved to a new town, and honestly isn't exactly seeking out prince(ss) charming either.

Personality traits:  Seems to give off an air of Confidence, Independent, distant to most, seemingly reserved. When she is around friends she can be more spontaneous and wild. And around family she lets her guard down and can be more sensitive and supportive.

Character history (where is he/she from?): Autumn was born to two well off parents. She quickly grew an affinity for music but never really was able to perform it herself. She just loved to listen to it. They lived in a  big city where concerts and music festivals were commonplace. She loved every minute of them and would work summer jobs just to afford going to see the shows. Her parents encouraged her love of music as they wanted Autumn to follow her wishes for her life. Her younger brother became a close confidant with a sense of sibling rivalry still present in their relationship. When Autumn graduated high school she planned to take a year just to make some money before she continued her education. However over that summer everything changed. Her parents were killed in a car wreck with a drunk driver. Left to care for her brother alone as her grandparents lived in a nursing home and their uncles and aunts wanted to split the two up. Autumn now has a small home in a smaller town than where she spent most of her life and now has to take care of herself and her brother.

Highest level of education: Currently on her break year between Highschool and College. Wants to major in music.

Biggest motivator: Supporting the needs of her brother and herself, as well as her dream to make music.

Biggest fear: Failure. The idea of letting her family down. She also fears her dreams aren't coming true and that all the work she has put in has been for nothing. Also Snakes, fuck snakes.

Things she likes: Rock Music, Musicals(guilty pleasure), Youtube, writing music, guitars, Reading, Action or Comedy movies, Romcoms (SOMETIMES), stuffed animals. Dogs, Cats, unholy obsession with Lin Manuel Miranda.

Things she dislikes: Rap (nearly missed out on Hamilton cuz of this which she says would've been her biggest regret in life), sports (except fencing), soap operas (don't ask how she knows) video games (unless she's playing them with her brother or its rock band or guitar hero), racist/homophobic/(basically just assholes in general).

Character name: Ethan Maximilian Andrews


Age: 17

Birthday: June 14th

Sign: Gemini

Occupation: minimum wage at a local fast food restaurant, drummer in Autumn's music.

Family members and/or significant others: Like his sister Ethan lost both his parents the summer he moved into his new town. He lost them at the end of Junior year and now he has to deal with the fact his parents won't get to see him graduate. He always wanted to make Autumn happy and so learned how to play the drums to help her with her music. Ethan also currently has no significant other due to him being in a new town, but is more interested in romance than his sister. Incompetent in it as he may be.

Personality traits: Ethan is a self diagnosed dork. Super into comic books, movies, videogames and of course music.  Around strangers he is more excitable than his sister. He is seen as very eager to please. Ethan around friends lets his vulnerability show, but still has a light hearted attitude. With his sister he can let his feelings out but tries to be the uplifted for Autumn when she has bad days. He really struggles with the loss of his parents, more so than Autumn as he was younger when tragedy struck.

Character history (where is he/she from?): Ethan was always in Autumn's shadow as a child, but he didn't mind the shade. From a young age he showed his interest more so in superheroes and the Master Chief then guitar solos and Green Day. He secretly wants to write his own sci-fi epic and does it on the side and has been planning it since eighth grade. In grammar school Ethan was bullied until Autumn stepped in. He also gained some popularity by frequenting concerts and musical festivals with Autumn. One year in the talent show he and Autumn performed a song he wrote that made the two hits in their school. In high school he kept good grades and continued in music and his nerd habits. He started the school's "comic club" and he and Autumn would perform every year. Until his parents died, and now he is in a new school without Autumn to help. He has gotten really good at writing lyrics for Autumn's music and uses this to cope with all the change and tragedy.

Highest level of education: Senior year of highschool

Biggest motivator: Autumn. He would do anything for his big sister and is rather happy about that fact. He also can be motivated by the thought of making other people happy.

Biggest fear: Letting people down. Especially Autumn, he always admired his sister and would hate for her to have a negative opinion of him. He also is scared of death. And wants to make his life "worth something". He is emotionally dependent on his sister and is on a constant quest for approval. He also doesn't like the dark. And has recently been starting to walk more places than drive.

Things he/she likes: Marvel, DC, Halo, Videogames. The Gorillaz, musicals (no guilt no shame), comedy movies, writing. Reviewing/criticism, meta humor. Gallows humor. Root beer, grape flavored soda

Things he/she dislikes: Romance movies. Art galleries, blackouts, poorly written movies, Michael Bay, knock knock jokes. EDM music. Bullies, spending more than an hour doing nothing, Energy drinks, Coffee.

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