Mich And Beeba 1 shot

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Mich Mimoza was many things. And as each day passed a new skill or title was added to her list. However if she had to prioritize. Her newest title would always come first. Beyond a professor, beyond a researcher and a hero of Alola. She was a mom. Those maternal responsibilities were often the most draining and the most time filling, but also the most rewarding. Seeing her little son Felix who was just now able to walk and say "momma" and "daddy" without major stutter as well a few phrases that he had picked up from around him, "I Hungry" and "I sleepy" had been new additions to his lexicon. And while it was impressive to form a phrase like that. He had trouble with context, occasionally shouting "I hungry" when what he needed was a bathroom break.

This night in particular Mich was already in bed from a particularly grueling night of work. She had taken care of Felix prepping him for the night ahead and went to bed alongside her husband Beeba. He smiled at her as she laid with him.

"Hi Sweetheart" Beeba smiled

"Hi you little cutie", Mich smirked.

Beeba blushed, "How's our bundle of joy" Beeba smiled referring to the sleeping toddler in the next room.

"Ready for bedtime", Mich returned her husband's grin. His smile was addictive.

As the happy couple rested in one another's arms hours of the night went by. Yet their peaceful night was interrupted when from the other room came crying. And A single word screamed into the night, "Momma! momma! Momma!"

Mich sighed and awoke from her slumber hearing Felix cry for her. She was almost tempted to run out of the bed and rush to her sons aid. She might just have, had she noticed that Beeba was already gone from the bed. And that the crying was quieting. The screaming for her dying down. Replaced with. Singing. The words were hard to hear but the voice of the singer was unmistakable. It was the voice after all of the one she had promised to be with for eternity. Beeba. Her husband.

Soon the only sound heard from the other room was Felix's blissful snoring. Beeba walked into the room soon after.

"What happened?" Mich asked.

"Felix was scared... So I sang a song to him." Beeba explained

Mich smiled, "You know how to sing?"

"Really only the one song." Beeba chuckled.

"Why's that?" Mich asked shifting her spot in the bed to look at her husband

"It was a song Willow sang to me when I was little," Beeba smiled. "When she left she wrote the words to it and left it on my desk. I learned to sing it for Middy."

Mich nodded knowing that time in her husband's life was bleak.

"So. I remember it. And when Felix was crying I knew he was scared.." Beeba explained, "That song has been a part of my family for as long as I can remember and I wanted to make it a part of ours too."

Mich nodded, "When I was scared my parents made me a chart explaining how a monster under my bed was scientifically impossible....."

"Really?!" Beeba gasped.

"Yup." Mich sighed.

"Is that why you still have nightmares sometimes?" Beeba asked.

Mich sighed, "Maybe?".

Beeba thought for a moment, "Would you want to hear the song!" He smiled his addictive smile, and Mich knew she wouldn't be able to resist him.

"Sure!" She smiled.

Beeba blushed and then taking a breath sang

Close your eyes, lay your head down
Now it's time to sleep
May you find great adventure
As you lie and dream
If you're scared of the darkness
I will calm your fear
There's a light in the hallway
So you know I'm here

So count your blessings every day
It makes the monsters go away
And everything will be okay
You are not alone
You are right at home
Goodnight, goodnight

You won't need me forever
But I'll still be here
For we all have our nightmares
Even me, my dear
From now on, if you need me
You can sing this song
There's a light in the hallway
Burning all night long

So count your blessings every day
It makes the monsters go away
And everything will be okay
You are not alone
You are right at home
Goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight

As he sang Mich smiled and tears welled into her eyes at his sincerity and the heart he sang the words with. It was clear Beeba was affected as well.

When he finished there was a moment of silence, then Mich held her husband close.
"Thank you sweetheart", she whispered into his ear.

"I'll do anything for you" Beeba asserted.

Mich smiled and nodded "I know. And I know you'd do the same if not more for Felix. Which is why I know I made a good choice in a husband."

Beeba blushed as Mich cupped his face in her hands and kissed him. Something Beeba returned with great happiness.

"Now. If you ever can't sleep let me know and I can sing again" Beeba smiled.

Mich nodded, "Thank you my dear"

Beeba nodded, "I love you". He said as he closed his eyes.

Mich stared lovingly at her husband for a moment then wrapping herself in his embrace mumbled "I love you too".

They weren't interrupted at all that night and slept peacefully until the morning sun brought the next day to them.

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Bravesinger you know I love you 💕

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Bravesinger you know I love you 💕

Bravesinger you know I love you 💕

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