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Author note: I really want donuts... Anyways I'll be publishing quite a few chapters since I'm home sick and very bored. Brace yourself :') Also vote.

Ahah but seriously... Vote. It'll help.

You don't have to... Only if you enjoy this chapter I guess. ;)

Well, here you go.


        Dick then felt a small prick in his neck, and was dragged towards the courtyard. He tried to keep his consciousness, but he was slowly losing it. His struggling slowed down as they made their way through the courtyard.
         "We got him boss!"

|Mount Justice|

"Where the hell is Artemis? Damn slacker." The young speedster complained as he sat in the recreational room of Mount Justice. Megan and Superboy were already there when the speedster arrived, along with Kaldur. The four were waiting for a mission, and for their other two teammates to arrive.

"Wally, Robin is absent as well." Kaldur pointed out with annoyance.
"Yeah well Rob is never late."
"He is now, isn't he?"

The speedster just rolled his eyes, knowing that Kaldur was right. He fiddled with the buttons on the tv remote, flicking through channels.

"Boa constrictors are commonly fou-"
"My name is Oliv-"
"Who lives in a pineapple under th-"
"And he scores!-"
"Dick Grayson, ward of Bruce Wayne was kidnap-"
"Dora Dora Dora the explorer!"

        Wally paused. "Wait, what?!"
        He instantly clicked back to the newscast report.

"-from Gotham Academy. The entire school was invaded, and all communications were cut. 6 students sadly passed away; 2 died on the operating table and 4 died immediately. 1 staff member and 1 student are currently in recovery. The whereabouts of Bruce Wayne's ward is currently unknown. And now for the weather..."

        "Dude." Wally said with shock.
        "You seem... Distraught, Wally. Do you know of this Grayson child? Is he a friend of yours, perhaps?" The Atlantan asked the redheaded speedster, who was practically staring at the screen.
        "Well, if there was a giant attack on the school just to find this kid it would have to be important." Megan claimed, with Connor nodding in agreement.
        Wally knew this could only mean one thing, because Megan was right. 'Someone knows Rob's identity.' Wally thought, his face filled with fear for his best friend.

|Gotham Academy|
|An hour earlier|

"We got him boss!"

The man now dragged the unconscious body of Dick Grayson, who lay limp in the buff man's grasp. Sportsmaster turned, and his satisfaction then turned to annoyance. "I said unharmed you damn idiot!" He shouted to his goon.

"Sorry! He was strugglin'!" The guy shouted back, finally reaching the black van.
"Tie him up real tight. Make sure he has no tech on him." Sportsmaster commanded.
"But boss, he's just a kid. What harm can he do, eh?" The masked man asked with perplexity.
"You don't know what he is capable of. Don't question Sportsmaster." The female villain added, her voice sharp and stern.

He nodded his head, and did as he was asked. He check Dick for any technology and was relieved to find none at all. He then zip-tied the boy's hands behind his back, and zip-tied his ankles. He wrapped a gag around his head and into his mouth, tightening it as much as he could without breaking it. Then the man threw his small body into the back of the van, as if he was nothing but a worthless item. He shut the door tight, locking it. Suddenly the sound of sirens pierced the villain's ears... All of the gunmen filed out of the building, getting into the large van. Once the six gunmen were in the back, plus Soprtsmaster and Cheshire in the front, (it was a very big van) the engine revved and the villains sped off. They now had exactly what they came for... Dick Grayson.


"Artemis? Artemis? Ms. Crock, are you alright?"

Artemis groaned as she sat up, awakening to a paramedic in front of her.

"Uh... Yeah. I'm fine... But... Oh no!" Artemis replied, rubbing her sore wrists.
"What's wrong, dear?"
"Dick Grayson... He was abducted!"

These words shocked the paramedic a bit. She nodded her head, signaling Gordon to come over and talk to Artemis who was sitting on a bench in the busy courtyard. There were police cars in the parking lot along with ambulances. People were being carried to ambulances, and detectives were talking to a few of the staff. Commissioner Gordon walked over to the blonde girl, and stood by the bench she sat on.

"I'm Commissioner Jim Gordon. Could you please tell me what you remember?"

As Artemis explained, one of the detectives walked over, taking notes. She obviously left out the part of Sportsmaster being her father and Cheshire being her sister, but it was still basically the same. She explained how two villains had demanded the location of Dick, and how she refused to tell. Artemis then pointed out that she saw them drag his unconscious body to a black van, and then she was knocked out.

|Mount Justice|

Artemis finally arrived at the mountain. The team noticed how upset she looked, and how she had a few bruises.

"Artemis! Are you okay?!" Miss Martian asked with concern, as the team minus Robin were gathered in the cave.
"Uh... Fine. Just ran into my dad and sister."
"Oh! That's unfortunate... I'm so sorry."
"Well... They didn't do very much to me. But they kidnapped this kid at my school and even killed other students. It's unbelievable."

Wally knew it was Robin. He looked away in shame and worry, just hoping they would find his friend. He knew Batman would never let them help...

Then the zeta tube announced the Dark Knight himself. As he walked towards the holographic screens, his cape flowed behind him. "Team, new mission."
"Recently Dick Grayson, ward of Bruce Wayne who is an ally of the league, was kidnapped from Gotham Academy. This resulted in the death of six students, and injury of others. Your job is to find his location."
"Any idea who kidnapped him?" Connor asked.
"Sportsmaster and Cheshire." Batman replied, his voice firm.

'How the hell did he even find out? Must've asked Gordon I guess...' Artemis thought as she looked at the screens intently. She was going to find and help this kid...

"Robin will not be joining this mission, him and I have an extremely important case in Gotham that will require our time. You will be on this mission without him." Batman explained, not even a hint of of a lie. But Wally shuddered; he knew it was a lie. And he knew Batman was beyond angry, trying to contain himself. But the others totally bought it, and that made the speedster sick to his stomach. He was going to find and help Robin...


To be continued...

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