Chapter 9 - Pity Party Crasher

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Chapter 9 – Pity Party Crasher

Clare’s POV

Niall and the other boys left for their homes 2 days ago. Let me just say that not taking up Niall’s offer was the worst decision anyone in the entire human race has ever made. We had been texting non-stop and he called me when he landed and last night but it just wasn’t the same.

So today, Christmas Eve has been spent on the couch wallowing in self pity, with a bowl of ice-cream, two blocks of chocolate and cheesy Christmas movies. What can I say, I’m living the dream! It was now 6 o’clock at night, was still in my pyjamas and waiting for my room service to arrive. There was a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” I yelled.

“Room Service!” said a female voice.

“It’s open” I didn’t even glance away from the movie. I heard the door open and close.

“Well, well, well look who’s throwing themselves a pity party. What did you go through a break up or something?” I’d know that voice anywhere. I whipped my head around and there she was.

“Lydia!!!” I jumped off couch and crash tackled her to the ground. “What are you doing here?” I yelled.

“Well once you finish DEAFENING ME” she yelled back and pushed me off her “I might explain” she helped me up and then hugged me tight. She let go and then wandered over to my room service, lifting up the cloche to reveal a meat-lovers pizza. Like Niall she was constantly hungry.

“How did you get up here?” I asked while pulling two plates out of the cupboard.

“I asked what room you were in and when they asked why I wanted to know I said you needed some emergency ‘lady things’. They happily obliged to tell me where you were. Then I stalked room service to your door and here I am” she grinned. God trust Lydiee to use the ‘lady things’ card. I plonked pizza on the plates for both of us. I dropped onto the couch.

“Thanks for letting the whole hotel know I have my period, you a truly a good friend” I patted her shoulder and rolled my eyes.

“It’s not the whole hotel, just the front desk guy. Oh and don’t worry about asking me why I flew all the way over to England to see you, just eat your pizza and continue with your pity party” she pretended to hurt.

“Okay fine, why my dearest friend Lydia did you fly all the way over to the UK to come see me? By the way this is not a pity party” I added the last part. It wasn’t a pity party.

“I didn’t want my bestest buddy spending Christmas alone” I gave her a look knowing that wasn’t the whole story, she caved. “And my parents went on a cruise and shipped me over here”

“Well that’s good I didn’t want to spend Christmas alone” I leaned my back up against her arm and looked out the window “you can crash here”

“I already knew that” I could practically feel her eyes rolling “Just letting you know, we are not continuing this pity party tomorrow, I do not do pity parties. Especially on Christmas”

“This is not a pity party!” I yelled turning around.

“Mmmmmm yeah cause normal days in a foreign country include sitting on the couch in your pj’s eating chocolate and ice-cream. I know Niall’s gone but honey” I couldn’t help but laugh at her face it was so serious. Soon she was laughing with me.

“Okay so it may be a small pity party” holding my fingers 2 centimetres apart.

“Glad we agree! So tell me everything that has been happening, I want every. Single, Detail.” So I launched into a minute by minute extremely detailed recount of everything that had happened since I got to London. And I do mean everything.

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