No one thought she would amount to anything. Sakura Haruno, the girl who came from a civilian family. Sakura Haruno, the average medic. Sakura Haruno, the pink-haired fangirl. Sakura, the weak. Sakura, the useless. Sakura, the girl...
"Sometimes being underestimated was an advantage. Sometimes, it was a curse." -Sakura Haruno
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Sayuri looked out the rain streaked window, her mind full of Sakura's words. After Sayuri's outburst, Sakura and she had talked for a while longer, then settled into an intense game of shogi. Now Sakura was asleep, and Sayuri was alone with her thoughts. Unfortunately, her mind was not a nice place to be.
Blood. So much blood. She wondered how one body could even have that much blood. It was unreal.
She stood frozen in the doorway as Kakashi frantically checked their father's pulse and breathing. A few moments later, he ran past her, probably to get help. But she stayed. She stayed, and watched her father's lifeless corpse drain onto the floor. She stayed and saw the blood pooling, wider and wider, until it nearly reached her feet. She stayed, and felt the chill of fear, the numbness of shock, and the shattering glass feeling that was centered in her chest. She stayed, frozen in time, as medical ninja and ANBU operatives rushed into the room. They took the body away, Kakashi tagging closely behind, and still she stayed.
It wasn't until an ANBU nudged her shoulder that she roused, and mindlessly followed her brother and the body.
Sayuri blinked away the memory and stood up from the window seat. She crossed the room and opened a drawer in her nightstand. Trembling fingers reached inside and grasped a thin silver chain. Hanging from it was a silver dagger charm, with a tiny ruby embedded in the hilt. It was the last piece of her father she had, everything else had been confiscated either by ANBU, or by the Aozora staff. But she'd managed to smuggle in this one thing, and it was her most precious possession.
She clasped it around her neck and clutched the charm tightly to her heart. A gift from her father, before he left for the mission that had ruined his life. She stood there for moment more, then tucked the pendant into her top and donned a black cloak and hood.
She checked out with one of the nurses, then left the building. The rain poured down around her, and she let it wash away her memories. They would be back, she knew. They always came back. She began to walk, and her legs directed her to the most familiar path.
"I didn't think you would come today." A voice she knew well greeted her.
Sayuri sighed. "Neither did I."
Orochimaru slid into stride next to her, disguised as a citizen. "So why did you?"
"I'm not sure." Sayuri shrugged. "I just needed to think, I guess, and this is where I came."
Orochimaru nodded, and they walked in silence for a while.
She took the time to study him, the man who had become her mentor. He wasn't wearing his Akatsuki cloak today, undoubtedly because of the unwanted attention it would draw. He seemed...younger almost. She stilled. "You changed bodies again, didn't you." It was not a question.
He shrugged. "Of course. It was well past time."
She swallowed her complaints and kept walking. She hated what he did to preserve his own life, but she was just six. What could she possibly do to stop him?
He noticed the change in her aura, but said nothing. This little girl had accepted him when no one else would. Kabuto was a mere servant, and the Akatsuki were never too involved with each other. But Sayuri, Sayuri was different. She didn't respect him as a master, or look down on him as a snake. She was merely interested in everything he had to teach her, though she refused to take a curse mark.
He could force it on her, of course, but then who would talk to him when he was bored? As much as he hated to admit it, he was actually really starting to like the little squirt.
They walked in calm, mutual silence for a while, then parted ways. Orochimaru transformed into a snake and slithered away, and Sayuri wandered into Ichiraku's. She wasn't really hungry, just needed a break from the cold.
The only other occupant of the room was a small blonde boy around her own age. He was slurping ramen at a frightening speed, and had what Sayuri estimated to be around twenty bowls stacked around him already.
She quietly took a seat in the corner and ordered a small bowl for herself. She stared at the meat chunks and noodles, but couldn't bring herself to eat.
An awkward half hour later, the boy across the room stood and stretched. He'd ended with a grand total of thirty four bowls. The man behind the counter held out his hand, and Sayuri could tell from the boy's frantic expression as he checked his pockets that he didn't have enough money.
She sighed in a mixture of annoyance and amusement, and pulled out her own wallet. Her older brother made sure she always had enough money for food and clothes, but since Aozora provided both, Sayuri had quite a stash saved up.
Quickly, she pulled out the cost of thirty five bowls, and brushed by the boy, handing it to the man. It wasn't out of generosity or anything, just a gut instinct. She had more than enough, and Kakashi could always refund her later.
Naruto stared after the girl, completely shocked. Outside the shop, she pulled up the hood of her cloak and walked briskly away.
He ran after her. "Hey! Wait up!"
She turned back to him. "Oh, its you." She sighed. "What do you want?"
Naruto recoiled at her attitude. "I just wanted to say thanks! Ya don't havta be so rude!"
Sayuri immediately felt awful. "I'm sorry. I'm not having a great day."
Naruto nodded. "I have lotsa those. Ya know what helps?"
"What helps?" She asked, curious.
Naruto's cheeks were split in the biggest grin she'd ever seen. "Finding somethin you love at do! I like ta eat ramen, but everybody's different."
Sayuri thought about it. "Maybe I'll try that then. Thanks for the advice." She turned and walked away.
Naruto stared after her. She was the first person he'd ever met besides the ramen people who hadn't seemed the least bit angry or afraid of him. She was different, and he realized with a sinking feeling that he'd forgotten to ask her name.
Author's Note ~ Total filler, but hey. Sayuri is fun to write so deal with it.
OMG OMG OMG THIS BOOK HAS ALMOST 700 VEIWS! That's not a very big deal to some people, but it's a huge deal to me. When we get to 1K I'll publish an extra chapter, no matter what day it is.
This chapter is dedicated to @presheslover for all the votes 'n stuff. Arigato!
Arigato to everyone who has supported this book, and followed along with my crazy trains of thought! Y'all are the best!