Chapter 8

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Y/N's P.O.V


I'm sitting on the couch with Lauren cuddled up to my side as we watch Game of Thrones. Well she's watching it, I'm studying for my history test. And when I say studying I mean cramming since the test is literally tomorrow and I haven't even looked at the review this entire week til now. I hear Lauren sigh in content and pause the episode.

"I'm tired." She says as she pushes me down so I'm laying on my back and lays her head on my chest.

I laugh and set my review packet down. "Babe I need to study."

"No." She whines and buries her head in the crook of my neck.

"Stop being cute," I poke her in her side making her squirm around and giggle. "Besides if I don't study and get a good grade how are we gonna go to the same college, lord knows how much I need it to keep up with you smartypants."

I hear the little pitter patter of feet coming from the stairs and immediately know it's my little siblings.

"Y/n/n come play with us!" Grace says enthusiastically.

"Not now Gracie, Lauren is-" I look down to see Lauren had disappeared. Confused I look back to Jackson and Grace who are still waiting for an answer.

"Well I guess I can play with you guys." I tell them and look away to close my history book. "What are we doing-" The words get stuck in my throat as I look at them in horror as the man stands behind them and slits there throats, their blood spraying all over me.

"Y/n!" They scream in fear.


"Y/n! Come on wake up." I hear Vanessa say. I sit up gasping for air. My body is drenched in sweat and my sheets and comforter are thrown about around the floor.

Another one. They're all the same, first they start out really nice and then something terrible happens. Except this one was a little different I just can't wrap my head around it but something is definitely off.

"Same one?" Vanessa says as she rubs my back in soothing circular motions.

"Pretty much." She looks at me with worried eyes but I just brush her concern off and look at the clock on my nightstand. 3:48 in the morning. "Sorry for waking you I know I'm not the easiest person to live with."

"Hey that's what I'm here for, to help you no matter what it is." She gives me a kind smile and pats my leg. "Now what do you want for breakfast, pancakes sound good?" I nod in confirmation and she walks out of my room.

I really am lucky to have Vanessa in my life, she has always been there for me even when I didn't want her to be there in the first place. I definitely have no idea how I could ever repay her for sticking by me even when I was a stubborn ass.

The two men escort me to a new wing I haven't been introduced to yet and down the unfamiliar hallways until they stop me in front of a wooden door. The door was one of those where there was a window but you couldn't see through it. The window had the words, Dr. Vanessa Williams printed on it in black lettering. One of the men knocked on the glass part of the door and waited until a woman in her mid twenties. When she saw me she smiled but I kept my emotionless mask on not really in a friendly mood.

I take a moment to observe her appearance. Her brown hair was put up in a tight bun and a pair of glasses rested on the bridge of her nose. As for what she's wearing it's pretty much the stereotypical outfit you would picture a therapist would wear.

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