Chapter 13

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I'm Not Dead!

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I'm Not Dead!

This has been long overdue and for many reasons but none of you would care why so let the reading commence!

Lauren's P.O.V

Unbelievable. That's all I could think as I lay beside a sleeping Y/n going through twitter. I was so tired last night that I didn't even check my phone I just crawled into Y/n's bunk and fell asleep as soon as my head was on her chest.

Her and Ella are still soundly asleep, Y/n in the middle keeping a firm grip around my waist to make sure I didn't fall out over night and Ella is cuddling Nala with her head in the crook of Y/n's neck.

I go back to looking at all the hate comments towards Y/n from my so called 'fans'. Has she seen any of these yet? She didn't seem any different last night from what I can remember so I don't think she did. I completely forgot about how the fans and media would react once they would start seeing us together all the time, I was really just trying to have a somewhat normal life now that I'm back in the arms of the girl I love once again. This is all my fault I should have warned her or at least prepared her, now she's gonna have to go through all this hate and I don't know how it's going to affect her. I'm scared that she'll start to believe the things they're saying like I did and still do sometimes.

For the most part her fans have been defending her pretty well especially from the Camren shippers. I hate that they ship Camila and I together, it always makes me feel so uncomfortable whenever I see the photo shopped pictures of us kissing or we're in these sexual positions. I feel like I'm the only one who feels bothered by this whenever it's brought up in interviews or Q&A's.

"Someone's thinking hard." Y/n's raspy morning voice rang out followed by a kiss on my head. I smile and put my phone down so I can look at her.

"Good morning babe." I let slip out but before I can panic Y/n's smile puts me at ease showing she's okay with me calling her babe.

"It really is a good morning, no nightmares again," She pauses to kiss my forehead. "I'm starting to think it's because of you two." Again she smiles brightly and leans down to kiss Ella's head this time.

"Well then I propose that we sleep here every night." I kiss her neck and wrap my arm around her chest to cuddle into her more.

"And I am perfectly fine with that." She says while tracing her finger up and down my hip over my pajamas. I sigh happily and rest my head back down on her chest closing my eyes to revel in the feeling of being so close to her.

"So what were you thinking about?" She asks causing me to open my eyes.

"Nothing bad, just thinking." She hums, not pressing any further.

"So since we have extra time in Dallas cause Normani and Ally's families will be there I was thinking it would be the perfect time to take you on that date. Maybe after the concert if we're both not tired." Just thinking about going on a date with her makes my stomach do flips.

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