1.1K 67 29

I'm confused by the entry process, could you please clarify?

Yeah, I get it, it was a little vague. So, if you are superman fast and you are the first entry next week your entry will be:
1: My Awesome Book
If you check the comments and see this persons comment you take the next number like this:
2: My Book Is Better
And so on and so on until we get to 50.

Please don't choose random number or comment numbers above 50. I understand there may be a few repeated numbers for people who comment at the same time, if you see two entries numbered the same do a little quick thinking and add your number correctly.

1: My Awesome book
2: My Book Is Better
2: The Greatest Book
4: I Can Count

I hope this explains how the numbering process is supposed to work. I know since the spots fill up so quickly not all the numbering will be perfect and that's okay. I will go through and reply with the correct number when I enter your book.

How does the prize work?

I've seen a few comments asking how I will give out 50 follow and 50 comments and the answer is, I won't but you will.

Instead of being like a lot of other contests I've seen, where you are asked to pad the admins accounts with followers and comments on their books, you will be helping out each other instead. You may have noticed that I haven't required you to vote, follow, comment, tag, add to reading list/library. These things are all completely optional, I suggested you follow or add to library just so you will be aware of when new contests are added since time is of the essence when entering.

In order to enter next week's contest, you will need to follow and comment on the winner of The First Chapter Contest.

Each of the 50 entrants will provide one of the follows and comments each. I can't guarantee that the follows will be permanent since they come from other people but I hope they will be. They are free to give out and always much appreciated. As many of you already realise I've already given you guys a free follow in order to spread the word. I hope to continue this, so for every entrant who is not already followed by me I will give you a follow for participating.

As for the comments, they don't need to be tagged with anything special but I do encourage you to have a read of the wining chapter and leave a thoughtful comment.

So next week after you enter with your number and book name (you will also have to specify a chapter next week in the comment) I will comment with entered and after that you will have 48 hours to follow and comment and the reply to your entry that you have done both of those things.

1: My Awesome Book    (you)
             1: Entered     (GoldenWeeklyAwards replied)
             Followed and Commented    (you replied)

What about Votes as prizes?

I will not be giving out votes as prizes because the entrants will have to provide them and I think this is a little too close to vote trading and I don't want to get mixed up with that since it's banned on wattpad.

Do I have to write something special for this contest?

No, none of the contest prompts will ever require to write something new. You should be able to enter with you existing work. The contests will change in theme so your book may not be suitable for all of them.

Can my book be completed, ongoing, one shot?

All of those are fine. It doesn't matter as long as it fits the contest prompt.

What kind of contest prompts will there be?

They will not be specific to a genre otherwise you'd be always waiting for your genre to come back around. The contest prompts will be specific to a chapter, scene or moment. Since the turn around is so quick we will only be judging a small amount of your work.

Some examples of possible future prompts:
-An epic kiss
-A time when your character is in trouble
-An important first meeting between characters
-A moment to make the reader cry

If you have a suggestion of a prompt you would like to see please comment it here. The prompts should be general enough that a wide range of stories can enter.

Can I submit the same book to multiple contests?

Yes, however if your book wins a contest it can no longer be entered into future contests. A winning author can enter a different book though.

This contest started at an awkward time for me, in future could they be posted on the weekend/at a different time?

This is a good idea I will try to shift the contest release towards the weekend and I will post them at different times so that no one particular time zone is favoured and they are not all released while you are asleep.

Is mature allowed?


Can I enter a private chapter?


I want to be a judge; can I still enter contests?

The short answer is no because that's unfair. 

However, I will consider judges who want to substitute in and out, part time judges. If they want to enter an upcoming contest they will have to opt out of judging before the contest prompt is posted and try their luck at getting a spot. If you want to be a part time judge you will not be involving in deciding what the upcoming prompts will be.

If you want to judge pm this account.

I hope this clears a few things up.  But if you still have more questions leave them here.

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