Contest 5: WINNER

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Congratulations to meeramiller007 and the book His Undesirable Wife with the entry Chapter 1.

As the winner of this contest you will receive 50 follows and comments and a sticker for your book!

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As the winner of this contest you will receive 50 follows and comments and a sticker for your book!

Well done to all the contest entries, there was an incredible high quality of entries this week and it made judging very difficult to just pick one winner.

Highly commended awards this week go to the following stories your books are great and definetly deserve some recognition.

Highly Commended

- I Won't by CatharticNonsense

- If Tomorrow Was Yesterday by Valerie1e

Thank you to everyone who entered the contest this week.

The next contest will be launched 24hrs from now at 11am GMT so mark it down and get ready.

The contest prompt for next week will be POOR LIFE CHOICES, it will be all about your MC making a bad decision. 

See you in 24hrs!  

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