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"Megannnnn. I'm telling you I'm sorry!" I pulled the phone away from my ear as my best friend yelled through the cell.

"Go hang out with Jin, I'm still angry with you."

"But Jin just feeds me, do you want me to get fat?"


"I'll buy you that phone cover that you want from downtown.."


"Meet me at the Namu tree!" he hung up on me.

I quickly got dressed, pulling on some clothes that were laying on the floor, and quickly raced downstairs earning an annoyed groan from my brother Jungkook. I stuffed my house keys and phone in my bag and slammed the door behind me.

I leaned against the tree, panting from the jog. I heard a chuckle from behind me, and the dimple faced doofus waved to me. I quickly pulled his arm, to the bus stop close by.

"Of course you forgive me when it involves money."

"I've been drooling over this 2 PM phone case for the last month."

"Have you always had that top?" Namjoon looked at me, a complex look on his face.

I looked down and almost choked on my own breath, I was wearing one of the shirts I took off for him a few weeks ago. I tried to come up with an excuse and it just popped out of my mouth.

"Actually I found it at a thrift store! Yeah, it was only 300 won!" I looked away from him down the road.

"It looked familiar, just ignore me."


We ended up at a karaoke place and we piled into the small room light up by a big screen. Namjoon scrolled through the songs as I put my belongings on the bench seat and sat down beside him.

"See anything you like?" I watched him pick a rap song.

He stood up in front of the screen and took a deep breath, he could rap. He always turned down the companies who wouldn't hire us both, and this made me feel selfish. The way he jammed to the rhythm and kept time by tapping his toes, barely taking breaths. It impressed me immensely.

Once he finished, I clapped for him. He smiled and sat down beside me handing me the songbook. "Great as always." I nodded in approval.

"Couldn't do it without you, you're the best friend ever."

dirty talk ♢ kim namjoon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now