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Dahyun's POV

I look at myself on my mirror for the last time wearing my new school uniform from my new school...I'm really excited for my first day especially my friends are there.

I grabbed my bag and walk out my room ,going to the dinning room to have breakfast.

"Hey Dahyun,good morning"-My mom greeted me and I took a seat beside her


I started eating my breakfast quietly and quickly,too excited to leave the house

Dad cleared his throat breaking the awkward silence

"Ah i'll be going now, Dahyun and good luck for your first day"-My dad said and kissed me and my mom on our forehead then headed out of the house

As soon i was done eating i took my bag and said goodbye to my mom and rush outside our house.

I only walk to school it's not that far from my house it's not big of a deal.

I got to the school gate and entered the hallway and started to find my friends ChaeYoung,Momo,And Sana

While roaming my eyes around the hallway,My eyes landed on a guy who was hiding behind a trash bin

"Arghh!!"-I shouted in pain and dragged everyone's attention

A slippery substance came in contact with my shoe that made me fell on the ground

"Oopsie"-The guy came out of his hiding spot and teased me while grinning on his own,not even helping me get up

"Aishh! You bastard"-I shouted and threw one of my shoe on his back

I heard some students whisper and some are loud enough for me to hear

How can she do that to our oppa?

She's so harsh to our oppa!!

Does she even know who's she's messing with!?

He turned around and faced me

I stood up and and rubbed the dust from my uniform

"Do you even know who i am!?"-He questioned me while raising his voice,okay he has guts

"No! I don't care who you are! You made me slip on the floor!"-I shouted back

I saw 6 boys walking behind him

"Hyung...what happed here!?"-An attractive young guy asked his hyung.

"It's not my fault,she slipped on her own"-He answered,My eyes glared at him

How dare him!

"Oh really? You were laughing at me!"

"Yah...Just say sorry"-A tall guy said with a manly voice.

"Fine...I'm sorry"-He said in sarcastic tone,I rolled my eyes


"Ughh...I'm sorry"-He said again in a nicer tone like we all expected

"Whatever"-I answered then walked away from them

Suddenly my phone vibrated

I took my phone out and i have a message from Sana


Yah! Where are you!? We've been waiting for you outside the office!

Ohh..Shoot i'm late thank you arrogant guy!

Sorry I'm almost there I replied to Sana's text

I saw a figure of three girls as i got closer it was Chae,Sana,and Momo wearing a frown on there faces

"Hey..guys?"-I greeted

"Why are you late!?"-Momo asked

"I'm sorry,It's a long story"-I answered and innocently smiled at the frowning girls

"Guys can we just get our schedules and start this first day? It's almost 10 am were gonna be late you know"-Chaeyoung said 

"Right...lets go"-Momo added and we all nodded

We entered the office to get our schedules and our locker numbers as soon we got them we rush out of tge office and started to find our first class

"Ok..class D-2 where are you"-I whispered while looking at the door signs one-by-one

The bell rang and signaling it was time for the first class we ended up late for our first day.

We got lost and have no idea where were going but then I saw a student pass by

"Wait! Excuse me!"-I shouted to grab his attention

He turned around and faced us at first he looked anxious but as I smiled at him he smiled back


"Yes? May i help you?"-He asked

"Ahmn can you please help us find our class.. Were kinda lost"-I answered as i handed my schedule to him

"Oh..class D-2? You got the same class as Taehyung hyung!"-He happily said

"O..kay"-Sana whispered,Uhuh same class with that prankster

He led us the way to our class 

"Here"-He said and opened the door

He entered first and talk to the teacher

" girls are the new students,Come in"-Our teacher said

Sana entered first

"I'll be going now and by the way my name is Jeon JungKook,Bye!"-Jungkook said and left the room while waving at us

I was scanning the whole class looking at my new classmates for the rest of the school year

Then i recognize someone at the back whom is sleeping

That bastard...

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