CHAPTER 42: For Real?

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Chapter forty-two: For real?

Third Person's POV

Dahyun succeed from stopping Taehyung but she got little scratches

"A-ouch~"-Dahyun whines while Taehyung was healing her wounds

"Sorry...I told you I should've beaten her up"-Taehyung said as Dahyun rolled her eyes

"Aishh! She's a girl Taehyung!"-Dahyun exclaimed

"I don't care...She ruined us"-Taehyung said and still he was frowning

"Anyway..Thanks for the healing this scratches,B-bye"-Dahyun felt awkward that's why she wanted to leave

"Dahyun...Speaking of us,I want us--"

"I said bye"-Dahyun cutted his words and walked away going back home

She still wasn't ready to accept Taehyung back...She was still scared

Dahyun's POV

After school both Chanyeol and I went home together

I was silenty watching Tv when someone rang the bell

"I'll get it"-I said to Chanyeol whom is busy with his phone

He hummed as a answer

I made my way to the gate,I opened it and to my suprise it was Taehyung

"What do you want?"-I asked him with my eyebrow raised

"Can we go out?"-He asked while pouting

"Let me think...NO"-I said sarcastically

I attempted to close the gate but he stopped it with his foot

"Yah~ Please,I missed you"-He said and held my hand

"Well I don't feel the same"-I said and pulled my hand away

He pushed the gate open and pulled me into his arms,hugging me

"Please Dahyun,I feel empty without you..."-He pleased as I heard him sobbed

"Yah w-why are you crying? Stop.."

"I really missed you,I want to see you happy like always..I'm really sorry"-He cried out as his grip tighten

"F-fine whatever.."-I said and hugged him back


"Really..."-I mumbled

He pulled away and wipped away his tears

"Let's go!"-He cheered and pulled me away the house

Aishh..This alien,seriously

"Where do you want to go?"-He asked

"I don't know,You wanted to go out so you choose"-I answered and shrugged

He took my hand and went somewhere

We went to the nearby river he knew

It was peaceful there were also cherry blossoms that drew a smile to my face

And there I saw a pinic laid out on the grass

He turned to me and smiled

"You like it?"-He asked

I simply nodded

"Let's eat!"-He said as we sat down on the blanket

We ate and chatted at the same time

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