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Dahyun's POV

Ughh...I still wanna sleep!!! I hate you!

I threw my alarm clock on the floor whom is ringing like crazy,Aishh

I forced myself to get out of bed and got ready for school


Then I heard a knock on my door, Signalling me to get out

"Come down stairs"-Taehyung said in the other side of the door

"Just a second!"-I said as I swung my bag on my shoulder and took my phone from my bed

I open the door and rushed down stairs and saw Taehyung, It looks like he is in a bad mood

"What is it?"-I asked and sat beside him

"Nothing,I ordered some food so just wait there"-He answered with no emotion an his eyes glued on the floor

"Okay"-I said and played with my phone

"And,Could you please move away..A little"-He said coldly as he move away from me little by little

I pouted and moved to the other couch, Seriously how can he be cold when we acted so jealous and cheesy yesterday?

Suddenly my phone rang and it was from Eunwoo

I cleared my throat before answering his call

Eunwoo-ssi! -I said out loud,And Taehyung looked at me looking concerned

Dahyun! How are you?I really missed you

I'm fine,I miss you too!-I said peeking on Taehyung in the corner of my eyes,And like expected his eyes widen

Aishh...I wanna see you so bad!

Me too...

Like I promised,I have a suprise for you

What is it!

I want you to go on the location i sent you next month,A special gift will arrive *chuckles*

Really? I will!

Yah! I have to go! Bye Dahyun ssi!

Bye! I miss you! -I said as he hang up

Soon as he hang up,I loudly exclaimed "I love you!" And putted down my phone

"Who is that 'Eunwoo ssi!' is he your boyfriend?"-He asked and attempted to copy my voice which sounded bad with his deep voice

"No? I haven't got a boyfriend,But I have a 'fake' one"-I said and smirked at him

"Why does your voice suddenly changes when you talk to that 'Eunwoo'?"-He askes and raised his eyebrow

"I doesn't! My voice doesn't change at all,It just all in your head"-I said to him and chuckled

Then the doorbell rang like a hundred times,Geez calm your butt were the one who's hungry

"Aishh,I'll get it"-He mumbled and walked to the gate and I suddenly heard a voice of a girl


I decided to went after him to check what was taking him so long,Cause I'm really hungry

"What taking you so-"-I didn't continued my words when I saw her

"Taehyung,I really missed you- Dahyun? What is she doing here?"-Irene said and glaring at me

"I'm the one who should ask you that,What the hell are you doing here?"-Taehyung said to Irene who is still shooting glares at me

She came back to her senses and returned her bitter smile

"C'mon,I don't hate Dahyun at all,I'll treat you guys if you want?"-She offered and gave us a wide smile

"No,We delivered ourselves some food,So get out!"-Taehyung said attempting to close the gate but Irene used her feet to stop him

Well..She ended up hurting herself and whining in pain

"A-ah!! Ouch!!"-She whined as she went down on the ground rubbing her foot

"Huh..That's what you get"-Taehyung said walking away from her

Somehow I felt bad for her,I'm really not that kind of person leaving someone in pain

"Taehyung you should help her"-I said and he gave me a confused face

"Hell No!"-He said and grabbed my hand and left Irene while we walked to school

"How can you just leave her like that"-I asked and glance at him

"How can she cheat on me?"-He shot back

"Why? Why can't you just move on? Why you kept reminding what she did? Why did I even agreed to your deal?"-I stormed him with questions

Suddenly he stopped and held my hand tighter

"You don't even know what it feels,I followed her orders even if I need to hurt someone,She was the one that comforted me when I had no one...when my grandmother died,It just hurts when she wasn't the girl I met before"-His started cracking saying those word and he started tearing up

I looked at him in shock and felt sorry for him

"And if you leave me, It'll just feel like no one wants to be with me"-He said and pulled me for a hug

Chaeyoung's POV

"Chae!! Why didn't you told me sooner?"-Momo asked being excited about me and Yoongi

"It jusy happened yesterday! And stop asking me questions?"-I whined

"Yah! Jokbal! Stop it and eat up!"-Yoongi added and gave an evil smirked at Momo

It was currently lunch time and Taehyung and Dahyun went to a different table for there 'privacy' like they said

I stood up to get my food

As I was done,I saw Jungkook looking at Taehyung and Dahyun eating happily,He attempted to go after them but I stopped him

"Where are you going? There's no room for you,You know?"-I said to him and raised my eyebrow

"Chaeyoung-ssi,I know you don't like me for Dahyun but-"-I cutted him

"Aww..Jungkookie thats not true....I don't like you for anyone"-I said and walked away

Aishh..I sounded like Yoongi did I?

Irene's POV

Damn! Damn you Dahyun! How can she stay with him in one roof!?

How can i bring him back to me? Does he even love me?

You may win this time,But I'm sure I'll get him back

That Dahyun...She needs to disappear,Everything will be perfect when she disappear




BANGTAN IS FINALLY HERE AT OUR COUNTRY?!! ASDFGHJK!! I have no idea they'll be coming this early and Namjoon kept cutting onions that made me cry all night! XD


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