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Taehyung's POV

Aishh! It's all your fault! Where on earth is she?

I already went to the house but she wasn't in sight,I was becoming more worried about her

It was getting late and she didn't even answered my calls and text

I decided to wonder around the city trying to find her

I kept looking for her street by street just to find her and let her rest

Suddenly i saw a figure of her with a man trying to forced her about something and pulling her arm

Dahyun's POV

I just went lost after running away from him,I felt guilty for yelling at him.. It's my fault that i made him worried

But why does he acting like a real boyfriend? He was the one that made the deal? Is he..?

Nope! He can't! He wouldn't!

I was walking around trying to find my way back to the house and it was getting late

Then a man suddenly grabbed my arm

"Maam! Why don't you go in? I'll give you a free drink?"-He asked while forcing me to go inside

"Sorry,I need to go"-I said trying to walk away

"I'm sure boys will go crazy for you"-He said trying to get me in the bar,Again

"No! I really need to go"-I said pulling away from him,But he was too strong

Suddenly some slender arms pulled me away from the guy that made the guy eyes widen

I looked up and saw Taehyung really angry

"Yah-"-I cutted him

"Let's go,Let's just go"-I said pulling his arms but he refuses

"You shouldn't just force ladies you know?"-He said pointing at the guys face that made the guy mad

"And don't you dare touch her again!"-He yelled at him

"Lets go"-I whispered pulling him away again

Luckily he turned around and didn't wanted to fight but the guy shouted at him

"Yah! You big fat jerk!"-He shouted that made Taehyung turned to him

"How dare you shout at me!"-The guy shouted again

Taehyung walked towards the guy and pushed him to the wall that made me gasp

"And how dare you disrespect her!? You should be educated with the word No!"-He yelled at him and I can see he really wanted to punch him so bad

Then the guy became a coward and nodded at him

"Y-yes sir! I will"-The guy said and looked down

Taehyung let go of him then went towards me and we awkwardly walked away from the guy like nothing happened

"I'm sorry..."-We suddenly said at the same time,And we both chuckled

"No,I'm sorry for raising my voice on you"-He apologized,guess were both guilty

"I'm sorry too...For yelling and running away,and I got lost...thats why that happened"-I explained and looked down in embarrassment

He went infront of me and putted his hand on my shoulder while the other one lift up my chin

Enemies In Love • vhyun (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now