Chapter Twenty-seven

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Earlier in the day El Jefe received a phone call. "Boss it's me. We have a huge problem."

It was Castillo and he seemed nervous as a cat. He had no idea what El Jefe would say when he told him what he had done, though he was going to do his best to explain it to him where he truly understood. She was an embarrassment and a liability, and that was it. And he hoped that after El Jefe had heard everything that he would give him the word to kill her.

"Go ahead," El Jefe said.

"I have the little girl, the Texan. I know, I know how you feel about her but boss I also know all about her threatening you to get you to meet with her. I don't know what in the world she could have leverage wise to actually pull it off, but whatever it is if you want me to kill her I will. I can end all of this mess tonight."

El Jefe was quiet. Thinking things over, Castillo thought.

"Who all is in on this? Because I know you didn't track her and get here all on your own," El Jefe said.

Castillo understood the slight, but it wasn't the time for pride to get in the way. "Now Boss, I did have some help. But it was 100% my idea. If you're mad I don't want you going after anyone else about it. You need to hear me out before you make any final decisions, it isn't just about her. It's about Wrong Last Name, about the exchange. If she has threatened you into turning everything over to Wrong Last Name you need to hear the whole story."

Castillo again waited nervously for a few moments before El Jefe responded.

"Is she hurt? Like ambulance hurt? And I want you to think about it very carefully before you answer me," he said. "Did you hurt her?"

There was no pause on the other end. "No," he said. "She can still be seen in public, no visible damage I promise. I know about your affinity for her, and would not do anything to go against it without authority. But I'm pretty roughed up. She had Josef and 12 Romanians with her. And that's what I have to tell you about Boss, how in the hell does this little girl rank high enough to get 12 Romanians and Josef? You know I had to shoot him? Four times. Josef may be dead."

El Jefe carefully considered all the information before asking him, "Why do you think would she want Wrong Last Name to take over? Did you put that much together before you came to Dubrovnik to grab her? Because I'm not aware of any motivation for anyone to want to make that happen. Not even from Wrong Last Name."

"Well Boss, I know you are wondering like I am. And so I am going to tell you. She has been seeing Mr. Wrong Last Name. I have pictures. She saw him in Boston, in New York, all over Europe. She has been running around with him the last 6 months and I have evidence they met up four years ago as well. Making a mockery of you and your orders! You told them both no contact. No contact! And here he is putting her up all over the Eastern seaboard in suites and now in Italy, Croatia... what's next? He's flaunting her and proud of it. And then he sends Josef to play her butler?? My God I can't imagine the types of things she has had that poor bastard doing. She also had Samson's wife with her. I had no idea who it was, or I would have handled her with kid gloves. And even worse- apparently Samson's wife is pregnant. And she tried to swan dive off the third floor balcony just to get away from me. I may have overstepped a bit to scare her and don't know what kind of liability that might turn into. But I can handle it. I can handle the fall out with Samson, it doesn't have to come back to you. I just want you to know that it hurts me that you allow this. It hurts me when she and Mr. Wrong Last Name are allowed to be this flagrant. And you know they are both married! Mr. Wrong Last Name even has his brother in law running errands for her, playing driver, watching her in Italy. You know how emasculating that must be to play secretary for your brother in law's lover?? Please say something Boss! Please tell me you understand."

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