Incredible Journal

174 14 6

February 12

After the very last bell, I opened the stall door, and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed my backpack from my locker and wandered out of the school in a dream-like state. I had decided midway through the day that I needed an emergency meeting with Dr. John. This was getting way out of hand.

His office wasn't too far away from the school, so I jogged there. Who knows? Maybe physical exercise would do me some good.

The door opened and the bell on the door jingled announcing my arrival. Everyone in the waiting room turned to look at me, including the receptionist who was chewing gum and wearing a way too slutty dress for her profession.

"Do you have an appointment?" She said as her mouth continued to chew.

"No, but it's an emergency."

"Sorry, you need an appointment. Unless you want to wait a few hours for someone not to show for theirs." She replied with a sigh, twisting her blonde hair around her finger.

"I'll wait." I grabbed a Seventeen magazine and took a seat on the cold leather chairs.

Oh my God, hot pink lipstick is so in right now!

Justin Bieber said that he loves down to earth girls! That's me!

Oh Lord.

I set the magazine down for some other teen girl to read. It wasn't my taste.

The door jingled and I was forced to blink a few times. Don was following me!

He was here! He strolled right over to me, not even looking at the receptionist.

And sat down next to me.

I picked up the magazine again. Please. Please don't talk to me.

"Hi." Don sniffled out a barely audible greeting.

"Hey." I said politely.

I glanced around.

Did no one else notice this stalker sitting directly beside me?

"Why are you here?" He asked, his curly fro bouncing as he spoke.

"Uh..." Did I have to explain myself to this guy? No.

Should I explain myself to this guy? No. "I'm waiting for my mom. She has a drug problem."

Okay, so I lied. Sorry. We can't all be Justin Bieber's dream girl.

"Oh, I'm sorry."



See, normal conversations with normal people would have just ended there. But not Don. He had to continue talking even past the awkward ending.

"Are you okay? I saw what happened in class today." Of course you did. Who didn't see?

"I'm okay." Flip the page, skim the page, keep flipping. Unfortunately, I was running out of pages to fake read.

"Well listen. I'm here for you." He said. Then reached for my hand. With the hand he just wiped his nose with moments ago.

Quickly, I stood up.

"Thanks, but I have to go." I ran out the door.

I forgot all about my emergency meeting with Dr. John. I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.

Sometimes, I felt bad for Don. He wasn't too bad. Kind of nice.

Just also very, extremely creepy.

I'm not going to lie, I was somewhat scared to walk home. He's a follower. I didn't want him behind me.

But when I peeked behind me, nobody was there.

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