The Olson Boys

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"Finally," my brother grinned. "You'll be reunited with..." he paused for dramatic effect, "Jaleb."

I rolled my eyes and fought the urge to smack Brandon on the back of the head.

"Come on LeLe." Brandon mocked. "Aren't you even the slightest bit curious of how Jay turned out?"

I furiously shook my head no and Brandon chuckled. "Keep your eyes on the road Jack Ass," I spat.

"Wow, I wonder what mom would say if she heard you talk like that," he teased, but turned back to the road. When was he going to grow up? Next year, when he was in college?

I turned my head, and leaned on the window. Jaleb, boy did I remember him. He was my five-year-old crush, my first crush for that matter. Now, when I hear his name all I think of is childhood memories.

I wonder if he remembered me. If when he heard my name he imagined a little girl with crazy brown eyes and freckles. A little girl that followed him around the vacation house, drooling over him like an over obsessed fan girl.

When I was growing up we went to the Lake House every summer until I turned thirteen, because that was the year my parents got a divorce. At that time my mom decided that the best thing to do was to pack up our things and move to California. Of course we kept in touch with everyone, but ever since that year I haven't seen Jaleb or his family. His dad, Dave was my god father. He was the main reason we kept in touch. Just last week he called my mom and begged her to come to the Lake House. As much as my mom had resisted Dave was persistent. After all, I'm not the only one that missed them. She was busy with work so she sent Brandon and I up until she could get off.

"Leah," Brandon said. "Help me get out all the bags."

I shifted up in my seat, "what?"

Brandon squinted his lantern green eyes and tugged the door to his truck open.

"Help," he demanded as he walked to the back and started dragging out bags.

I opened the car door and gaped at the house. It seemed bigger than I remembered. It had millions of windows in the front that showed off the super high ceiling. It kind of reminded me of a cabin. A gorgeous multi-million dollar cabin, but a cabin none the less.

I climbed out of the vehicle and trailed to the back to help Brandon.

"Took you long enough," he muttered, tossing a black duffle bag.

"Owff," I squeaked as the heavy weighted bag fell on my foot. I fell to the ground and grasped my left big toe; it was pounding hard.

"Damn you Brand," I screamed jumping up to my feet, "What the hell is in there!?"

Brandon draped bags onto his arms as he began walking towards the house. "Just come controllers, video games, and cords."

I lugged the bag over my shoulder as I paced behind him. Brandon turned eighteen at the very beginning of summer. His hair was a bit lighter than mine. My hair was more of a golden brown; his was dirty blonde. He had my mom's gorgeous emerald eyes, and I got my dad's chocolate brown. Our faces looked a lot alike though. We both had high cheek bones, and the same face shape.

"I think my toes turning blue, thank to you" I mumbled causing Brandon rolled his eyes.

"Could you do something useful for once, and knock on the door," he said bitterly.

I stuck my tongue out at him. Jeez, what crawled up his butt and died?

I took two hesitated steps to the big rusty red door. I felt so tiny compared to it. As I reached my hand up to the door I felt it shake. What would Jaleb look like? Would he be much different?

Of course he would, I scolded myself; it's been four years. Brandon sighed impatiently behind me, and I bashed on the door. Almost immediately after I knocked the door swung open and welcomed me to a pair of gorgeous warm brown eyes.

"LeLe?" the young man hollered. "I can't believe it's you."

Suddenly I was no longer on the ground; I was wrapped around a stunning guy. He spun me around fast until he almost tipped over. Once I was back on the ground he grinned down at me. He had feathery blonde hair that fell on his face over his eyebrows. I examined him and tried to recall any memories. How could I forget someone as beautiful as he? His smile was contagious and soon I was being bragged into the house.

"Jeez Callan," Brandon exclaimed. "If you squeeze my hand any tighter it's going to fall off." Oh Callan! I remembered him! He and I were inseparable growing up. We were partners in crime; always spying on Jaleb and Brandon. Who would never hang out with us, because we were too young. I smiled to myself; we got into so many stupid childish fights. I stood back and gawked at him. He looked so different; no wonder I didn't recognize him. He even had a little bit on stubble on his chin.

Callan laughed at Brandon's remark. "Mom and Dad left to the store to get stuff for dinner," he said stretching his hand behind his back. I waited for him to say something about Jaleb, but nothing ever came. He just stood taller and spread his lips into that famous smile of his.

I unhooked my bag from my shoulder and Callan huffed.

"Almost forgot," he took the bags away from me. "Your room is this way."

I followed him up the stairs and glanced at Brandon. Who had decided to take a seat on the couch and wait for Callan to come back.

On the second floor was another living room with a flat screen TV. I gaped at everything; how could I forget how stunning this place was? I followed Callan down a hallway and when he unexpectedly stopped I ran into his muscly back.

He smiled at me and motioned for me to open the door. It was the third door to the left; the only white door in a hall of brown. I twisted the knob and gasped at the room. It was decorated just for my arrival. It had a light blue see-through curtain that covered a wide window, a light pastel pink bedspread and a grey dresser with a large mirror. I turned around and tacked Callan to the ground; causing him to drop all of the bags.

I felt color spread across my cheeks as our foreheads clashed together. I was on top of him; literally on top of him. Bags were scattered around us, but my eyes were on one thing; him. Callan put his hand on my forehead where our heads had smacked.

"You okay Leah?"

I took in a sudden breath as I tried to recover. "Uh," I grumbled. "I should be asking if you're okay. You're the one that got tackled to the ground." I closed my eyes and tried not to focus on the pain my head had endured.

Callan chucked and helped me up. "Heck," he grinned. "I'm fine. You're the one that's still holding onto your head."

I opened my eyes and felt a smile tug on my lips. He stood there by my door, and began picking up bags. Once everything was off the ground I turned to him.

"I missed you a lot Cal," I said; watching him beam.

He took three big steps towards me and enveloped me into a bear hug, "I missed you too LeLe."


So I decided to bring back The Olson Boys!  

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